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Change Username
kev super 6 - 21/8/11 at 07:58 PM

Hi All, Does anybody know how to change the username as i have sold my Super 6 and now have a Furyblade.
If someone can change my username to Furyblade Kev it would be much appreciated.

Cheers Kev

Mark Allanson - 21/8/11 at 08:14 PM

From previous posts, it cannot be done - just start up a new identity, with a link to your previous name

dave - 21/8/11 at 08:47 PM

It cant be done you need to start again.

NigeEss - 21/8/11 at 09:17 PM

As above, can't be done, but as you've only got a low postcount is it an issue to start again ?

kev super 6 - 21/8/11 at 09:24 PM

I have tried re-registering but will not allow me to use my e=mail address as its already in use


kev super 6 - 21/8/11 at 09:38 PM

They have changed my username on SKCC and JPSC.

James - 21/8/11 at 09:51 PM

Originally posted by kev super 6
They have changed my username on SKCC and JPSC.

That may well be the case... but it ain't changing here!

The are many ways to do a website database, this one doesn't seem to allow the change.

Just change what it says you're building in your profile... who cares what your name is!!!

Or if you really care, as the others have said, start a new account with a new e-mail address. Setup a google or hotmail or yahoo one or something.


Simon - 22/8/11 at 12:36 AM

Tis a bit like having a girlfriend's name tattooed on youself, if it goes poo shaped, you're stuck with it

