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Is the shop ever going to re-open?
I predict a Riot - 28/7/12 at 08:31 PM

Just wondering which bank holiday we're waiting for until the shop re-opens?

Ben_Copeland - 28/7/12 at 08:52 PM

It is open, for "certain people"

Hellfire - 28/7/12 at 08:55 PM

The shop is always open for select customers If you've not had an invite, you won't get into the shop and the message that it is Expected to open again after the Bank Holiday is the message that all non-customers see. The same message has been there for a number of years now.

The shop is only small and is always a bit cramped due to the bargains in store. Maybe after the current stock has been allocated a few new invites might be sent out (to those with a post count high enough to qualify) There's certainly not enough room for any more new customers just yet.........


[Edited on 28-7-12 by Hellfire]

Ben_Copeland - 28/7/12 at 08:58 PM

Cant believe how cheap some of the items are... ridiculous !!

ReMan - 28/7/12 at 08:59 PM

I had to wait to 5000 post to ask to get in

deltron63 - 28/7/12 at 09:02 PM

Originally posted by ReMan
I had to wait to 5000 post to ask to get in

I'm 1 post closer then

Ben_Copeland - 28/7/12 at 09:06 PM

Originally posted by ReMan
I had to wait to 5000 post to ask to get in

I must be special then, as i was invited at 4000

Hellfire - 28/7/12 at 09:16 PM

I think it's based on more than just your post count though. It took us a quite while to get in (about 6,000 posts IIRC) so it might be based on 'quality' posts rather than just random drivel. There doesn't seem to be many newly registered members either, so it could be a combination of the length of time you've been a member and how many 'quality' posts you've made. But then there's the few who have had 'special invites'.

TBH, I don't really understand the logic as to how customers are selected but I'm certainly glad I'm one of them. Must have saved an absolute fortune over the years! And it's also good how they keep the select customer numbers limited. It's like being a member of an exclusive club.....


chris mason - 28/7/12 at 09:30 PM

I like what they've done with the live stock updates, very neat.
Though you'd best be quick, it says only 2 sets of wilwoods left at £45 a calliper

But the best offer I could find today, was the deal on R888 tyres £150 for a set of 4 is a great deal.

One tip for the select few, keep checking the "today's specials" over the past few months I've seen some parts at almost give away prices, even bought a few things I didn't even need, the deal was just too good too miss.

chris mason - 28/7/12 at 09:33 PM

Oh and it's not post count related like most people think, many used to think that was the case, but I gained entry pretty much as soon as I joined in 2004, must have saved thousands over the years

MikeR - 28/7/12 at 09:43 PM

the specials are give away prices. I once got concerned as to why they where so cheap and had a chat with Chris. basically he something isn't shifting and he wants to cut his losses, something is due to expire or he needs the space due to an incoming delivery he puts them on special to get rid. just be aware that somethings aren't technically brand new. for example the brakes are technically new old stock, he got them as a job lot from a well know race team who'd never used them as a clearance. oh as for joining, the post count has gone up over the years. I thought it was getting on to 6k of quality posts (things like 'me to' don't count). hellfire I think you had double as two of you posted under the same name so Chris doubled up your required post amount.

zilspeed - 28/7/12 at 10:07 PM

This is dangerous talk.

Remember how this all ended before with noobs wanting access, going on about it being 'unfair' and all that nonsense.

Maybe just best to keep it on the QT to avoid any unpleasantness with those who can't get in.

scootz - 28/7/12 at 10:10 PM


Has it ever closed?

vanepico - 28/7/12 at 10:20 PM

I'd never even noticed the link! Can you buy t shirts in it?

I predict a Riot - 28/7/12 at 10:27 PM

OK then

If it's that exclusive - I'm with Groucho Marx " I don't want to be a member of any club that would have me as a member".

HowardB - 29/7/12 at 06:44 AM

I think that this is a proper "Mornington Crescent" thread!


Macbeast - 29/7/12 at 07:14 AM

I'm going to have to wait until after the bank holiday weekend

zilspeed - 29/7/12 at 08:36 AM


We're not talking about the shop that's linked from the front page.

It's the other shop.

The one that sells the good stuff.

The one that maybe does or maybe doesn't exist...

maccmike - 29/7/12 at 08:52 AM

the secrecy thing a bit gay.
if your not a member - thats that.
and if you are - lucky you.

mark chandler - 29/7/12 at 09:52 AM

It took me a few goes before I stopped getting black balled, quality of posts and willingness to help opens the right doors.

Once in never looked back

vanepico - 29/7/12 at 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Macbeast
I'm going to have to wait until after the bank holiday weekend

You mean 'tha bank holiday'?

vanepico - 29/7/12 at 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Macbeast
I'm going to have to wait until after the bank holiday weekend

You mean 'tha bank holiday'?

phelpsa - 29/7/12 at 10:18 AM

After the unfortunate incident over the 2010 CBR1000RR engine I paid £450 for I gave up my invite. Now I only use Scootz for my kit car bargains.

Surrey Dave - 29/7/12 at 11:51 AM

I have been on here quite a while, have posts of the highest calibre and have actually built a book Locost, does the shop have Masonic connections?

coozer - 29/7/12 at 12:01 PM

Originally posted by Surrey Dave
I have been on here quite a while, have posts of the highest calibre and have actually built a book Locost, does the shop have Masonic connections?

Thats just what I was thinking, I reckon you need to well connected and privileged to get in, wherever it is...

vanepico - 29/7/12 at 12:06 PM

some say you must have 4 toes on one foot to be a member......

RK - 29/7/12 at 02:05 PM

People have to understand, now that just anybody can build a fast car for reasonable money, the class barriers are breaking down. This is just LCB's way of contributing to British culture of exclusion and some might say, superiority. You just have to know your place, and we'll all get along fine.

loggyboy - 29/7/12 at 02:23 PM

Im still sore from the initation....

RK - 29/7/12 at 02:25 PM


MikeR - 29/7/12 at 03:28 PM

Look, I'm probably risking my own exclusion here but if people really want to get into the shop you need to do your homework. As I recall when this was discussed previously someone described how to view the shops contents without being a member. So do a search and start reading it. It will be a few pages in.

If you can't be bothered to do the homework either via posting worthwhile stuff on here or taking some time to do some reading - then tough. You don't deserve to get access.

Chris - if this is against the rules then please accept my apology now and i'll take my punishment like a man.

Surrey Dave - 29/7/12 at 04:42 PM

What kind of shop do you have to "do the homework" or "take some time to do some reading" to access?

Personally couldn't give a tinker's t**s , finished my car yonks ago and don't intend to build another

maccmike - 29/7/12 at 05:00 PM


mark chandler - 29/7/12 at 05:38 PM

Originally posted by Surrey Dave
What kind of shop do you have to "do the homework" or "take some time to do some reading" to access?

Personally couldn't give a tinker's t**s , finished my car yonks ago and don't intend to build another

Think of it like most things in life, you need to put the effort in to reap the rewards, of which there are many

Pop down to your local shop and buy a few things = zero discount, buy in bulk and enjoy the benefits.

RK - 31/7/12 at 07:01 PM

Get with the programme people. No pain, no gain.

woodster - 1/8/12 at 06:15 PM

Originally posted by mark chandler
It took me a few goes before I stopped getting black balled, quality of posts and willingness to help opens the right doors.

Once in never looked back

And I'm guessing who's arse your kissing ......... Another illustration of how clicky locostbuilders is getting IMHO

MikeR - 1/8/12 at 07:49 PM

Look if you want to know just u 2 u me and I'll get you access.

woodster - 1/8/12 at 11:04 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
Look if you want to know just u 2 u me and I'll get you access.

Not that old trick where I u2u you and then you send me an address where we have to meet and before you give me access I have to do 'things' to you .. I'm not falling for that ...................... Again ............ I'll just pay full price

maccmike - 2/8/12 at 12:07 AM

lol, I dont like waking up with headache and boxers on back to front either!

woodster - 2/8/12 at 07:39 PM

Originally posted by maccmike
lol, I dont like waking up with headache and boxers on back to front either!

Lol ".......... I'm beginning to wonder if this 'shop' is a cover for a mans club .. So to speak

Proby - 2/8/12 at 08:31 PM

lol, I didn't realise it got 'clicky' in here, worse than women!!!

mark chandler - 2/8/12 at 10:03 PM

And I'm guessing who's arse your kissing ......... Another illustration of how clicky locostbuilders is getting IMHO

Trying to help the uninitiated in and get this reaction…
Like all things in life, you need to aspire to achieve so keep on working towards the goal and you never know the shop may open its doors to you.

Picked up some nice stuff a couple of months ago as well

raguri - 2/8/12 at 10:11 PM

I'm new here... But, what you're all saying is that there's a 'secret' shop, where some people can get bargains?
Sorry if this sounds a bit blunt, but surely the shop is secret for a reason? Which is probably to keep the prices down, limited supply of items, and also to stop it becoming a shopping ground for "Non locost folk"?
I know my post count is only in its 30s, and pretty much all of those have been made asking for advice, but as i said, it's probably secret for a reason. So, when your time comes, take the opportunity, have a look, and if it's not for you then cancel and let someone else in?


Stott - 2/8/12 at 10:25 PM

Originally posted by vanepico
some say you must have 4 toes on one foot to be a member......

I have 4 toes on both of my feet

ETA: There are now 15 sets left

[Edited on 2/8/12 by Stott]

vanepico - 3/8/12 at 12:36 PM

Good one Stott

woodster - 3/8/12 at 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Proby
lol, I didn't realise it got 'clicky' in here, worse than women!!!

Lol , may be 'the shop' sells dresses and handbags