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Uploading photos
Rogthebandit - 17/12/12 at 09:29 PM


I have tried to upload photos a few times but cant seem to do it? I have made the pics smaller in size but still no joy. Can anyone shed any light on how to do this? Is there a preferred software to help format the pocs?


HowardB - 17/12/12 at 09:36 PM

jpeg and less than 100k I think,...


ChrisW - 17/12/12 at 09:55 PM

Needs to be a jpg/jpeg or gif and less than 2.5MB. Also sensible not to have strange characters in the filename as sometimes that screws it up.


Rogthebandit - 24/12/12 at 12:31 PM

yes, i have managed it at last. its the wrong picture but at least it uploaded. for some reason i can only do this from the laptop and not the ipad or iphone? i just need to put my pics on the laptop instead.
