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Link to the Photo Area
Mark_and_Alice - 24/9/04 at 03:02 PM


We have posted a number of pictures under "Mark_and_Alice", but the link in the photo archive section is for "Mark and Alice" - thus no pictures appear. Any ideas how to fix this?


Hellfire - 24/9/04 at 03:59 PM

Your photoarchive is somehow named as Marc&Alice go into the Photo Archive (link at the top of this page) - click on your name and add pictures into your archive this way. Seems very odd though about the difference in name spelling. Maybe getting in touch with ChrisW; the webmaster of this site; is the answer, he's usually very busy, so don't expect any answers very quickly.

I've just looked at your pictures - which are very BIG by the way So I don't seem to have a problem finding them!!! Does anyone else?

[Edited on 24-9-04 by Hellfire]

Chris_R - 24/9/04 at 06:06 PM

I have the same problem. Photo archive says chris r and there's nothing there, although I have uploaded photos that are accessible from posts.

Hellfire - 24/9/04 at 08:46 PM

Do you know - you're dead right. Although I have looked at Mark and Alice' archive via the banner link rather than the posting link. There's obviously an anomaly within the scripting. I usually access people's archive from postings which seem to be ok, so it's not a problem for me.

Mark_and_Alice - 28/9/04 at 11:58 AM

Hi Guys,

Thanks for the posts.
The Mark&Alice user was our original user name, but the "&" in the name causes problems with the SQL running behind this forum.

The "Mark_and_Alice" is the newer user name.

Hellfire - 28/9/04 at 04:55 PM

Maybe ChrisW could shed some light on this?