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Uploading photos .....again (sorry)
Nickctp - 12/8/13 at 07:26 AM

Hi all,

This has probably been discussed a million times - But, I was never able to upload pics to my archive until very recently (reasons unknown). So now I am able to do this, could someone please tell me how I put a picture into a post or am I being very stupid??



Acc8braman - 12/8/13 at 07:54 AM

If you are using something like photobucket, go to the pic there and copy the Direct URL.

Then click on the insert image link above and paste the url in there.

[Edited on 12/8/13 by Acc8braman]

loggyboy - 12/8/13 at 08:11 AM

Got you photo archive - (link just below the logo at the top of the page)
click on the photo you want to post.
At the top of the photo are 2 boxes, one contains a PG reference, the other an IMG.
If you copy and paste the PG box you will get a thumbnail like so:

[pg ]90999[/ pg] - remove the spaces and you get:


If you copy the IMG one:

[img ][/ img] again, remove the spaces and you get:

[Edited on 12-8-13 by loggyboy]