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Profile Change
Daddylonglegs - 30/8/13 at 06:54 AM

Anyone know why every time I change my profile I have to log back in? It's a PITA!

adithorp - 30/8/13 at 11:16 AM

No idea and doubt it's ever been raised before. How often do you change your profile for it to be considered a PITA?

Ben_Copeland - 30/8/13 at 12:26 PM

Why do you need to keep changing it, mines been the same for 8 months

Daddylonglegs - 30/8/13 at 01:16 PM

'cos I'm wierd!

I update the signature now and then, it's not really a big issue, I'm just more curious as to why it does that's all.