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Missing page for current projects?
WesBrooks - 27/1/16 at 11:23 AM

Have I missed the page for introducing your current projects? I've had lots of great feedback from questions that I've posted on here but there doesn't appear to be a place to post blogs about what your up to unless your a new member, old member, your build car is listed in the car specific forums, or fits a locost inspired class?

Many 4x4 projects are on limited budgets and often need advise on where the limits are with regards to IVAs etc and so builders will often have a look around on here to pick up hints, tips and ideas.

Benzine - 27/1/16 at 11:59 AM

I'd love to see a projects/readers rides sub forum

nick205 - 27/1/16 at 02:41 PM

Show us what you're building then.

Don't worry about where, just start a thread and add pictures.

ChrisW - 27/1/16 at 06:18 PM

You're right. It has been asked for many times... so now there is one!

So now I need suggestions for threads to move there. Anyone care to reply with links?

Cheers, Chris

Benzine - 27/1/16 at 06:44 PM

Nice one! Thanks

WesBrooks - 27/1/16 at 07:44 PM


I posted mine in anything else car related:

ChrisW - 27/1/16 at 08:36 PM

Done! Anyone else?
