most times i try to access the locostbuilders webpage, no matter if its the main-page or a specific thread by direct link, the webpage does not load
and all 3 browsers which i use show "page not found"
after 2nd or 3rd attempt (re-load) the page loads.
but on some days i cannot load any page for hours.
the probelm accured around 2 months ago...and becomes more frequent.
all 3 browsers are with latest updates, win10 64bit system
no firewall
[Edited on 18/3/18 by alfas]
Hello try clearing the cookies and browser cache that may resolve it.
Just a thought. Have you cleared out cookies and cache (via Ccleaner or similar)? Also, did the initial occurrence coincide with adding or changing
any system tools? As an example, I started losing functionality of some applications when I changed to Bitdefender. Reverting to a different antivirus
utility cured the problem.
no difference...
Are you in germany? If so best speak to Chris as it looks like your IP address may have been blocked or Germany if the server is being attacked by Spam
worst drawing of a dinosaur ever