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jacko - 3/7/24 at 05:17 PM

Hi all when I post something and put emoji’s on the post it always turns to numbers why??
On other forums I go on this don’t happen

gremlin1234 - 3/7/24 at 05:45 PM

its old forum software, from before emoji's were a thing. thankfully Luke -the current Site manager- manages to keep most of it running. and still many thanks to Chris W.
nearest we can do emoji wise is

[Edited on 3/7/24 by gremlin1234]

MikeR - 3/7/24 at 10:57 PM

I can do and and even ......

(if you look to the right of the box you edit messages their are a limited set of emojis you can click, or you can remember the codes clicking generates and just type that)

40inches - 4/7/24 at 08:27 AM

Originally posted by MikeR
I can do and and even ......

(if you look to the right of the box you edit messages their are a limited set of emojis you can click, or you can remember the codes clicking generates and just type that)

I was a bit surprised by the topic

nick205 - 4/7/24 at 09:04 AM

MikeR has it - live with the (still free) limitations of the forum and use the limited set of emojis to the right of the postong box.

Outside of that, maybe don't worry too much or try anything too fancy/modern

gremlin1234 - 4/7/24 at 09:11 AM

I find there are quite a few that can be used
including some animated ones

EDIT: the unicode ones don't work!, they are ok in edit but not when preview/posted.

similarly the others change too
these are the ones I have found to work colon followed by

I will add other codes as I find them
edit colon, not semicolon

[Edited on 5/7/24 by gremlin1234]

jacko - 4/7/24 at 04:11 PM

[Edited on 4/7/24 by jacko]