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Mark Allanson - 14/5/05 at 05:42 PM

Really clear, clean lines, I'm impressed

ChrisW - 14/5/05 at 06:27 PM

It's only temporary - I'm getting a few bits and bobs ready for a change


ned - 14/5/05 at 06:58 PM

chris, tried posting this under the announcements section, but it appearsonly you have permissions to do so.. ( i'm sure thats intenional )

was just wondering when the luego advertising deal is up as i'm sure other manufacturers would be interested in buying some ad space!

i know you're building a luego, but they've had a monopoly on ads on this site for quite a while now, whats the lowdown on this?



ps i don't mind, just curious mate

Ronin - 14/5/05 at 07:35 PM

Originally posted by ChrisW
It's only temporary - I'm getting a few bits and bobs ready for the change


Is there something you aren't telling Chris?

ChrisW - 14/5/05 at 10:51 PM

Got it in one! and there was me thinking I'd been subtle


niceperson709 - 15/5/05 at 02:00 AM

just want to echo Marks coment about clarity improvrements jut keep comming