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Who's on line?
Macca - 4/12/02 at 05:12 PM

I don't know as nothing is being displayed.
Anybody else got the same problem?
Cheers Col

theconrodkid - 4/12/02 at 05:38 PM

was ok you must have broken it!

wicket - 4/12/02 at 06:31 PM

Same here Col

Macca - 4/12/02 at 08:39 PM

Is it just me then, or does it feel a little strange?

chrisg - 4/12/02 at 10:25 PM

You'll see my reply to this in"anything else"

OR WILL YOU......................?

SFX.....Demonic Laughter...

(think Vincent Price at the end of "Thriller")


from the dark side

philgregson - 4/12/02 at 10:31 PM

Spooky - Deja Vu.

I could have sworn I've just had this conversation - or one similar!!

John - 6/12/02 at 11:40 PM

I also noticed that no one is shown as being online, views are increasing so someone must be online, me at the very least.


RoadkillUK - 7/12/02 at 01:05 PM

Yeah, new posts not showing and there's no-one online

Oh yeah, no Links or Photo's either.

[Edited on 7/12/02 by RoadkillUK]

UncleFista - 8/12/02 at 05:37 PM

Any chance of just re-installing the old software ?

The only "improvements" this new software has is, no unread folders showing, no list of people logged in, no photo's available and a broken links page.....

Sorry to sound pissed off but I'm soooo close to just abandoning this site, its gone from being my number 1 Locost resource to being a pain in the arse site that I find a right royal pain to use

Sorry Chris ;(

ChrisW - 11/12/02 at 05:05 PM


I run this site in my spare time at now, due to it's popularity, at considerable cost to myself. Sometimes I wish that I spent as much time building my car as I do trying to sort this site out - I'd have built three by now! It may take me time to sort out problems but I think it's more than justified. It's not as if you're paying for the service are you?

Basically what I'm saying is you take the site as you find it. Short of someone paying me a wage to run the site things will get sorted out when I have the time not when it's demanded I fix something. Sorry - but that's the way it is.


jollygreengiant - 11/12/02 at 11:56 PM

Good on yer chris, takes a genius ta work miracles

UncleFista - 14/12/02 at 02:18 AM

Originally posted by ChrisW

I run this site in my spare time at now, due to it's popularity, at considerable cost to myself. Sometimes I wish that I spent as much time building my car as I do trying to sort this site out - I'd have built three by now! It may take me time to sort out problems but I think it's more than justified. It's not as if you're paying for the service are you?

Basically what I'm saying is you take the site as you find it. Short of someone paying me a wage to run the site things will get sorted out when I have the time not when it's demanded I fix something. Sorry - but that's the way it is.


No problems Chris, I understand.
Notice though that I didn't "demand" anything, I politely asked if it was possible to go back to the old software. Another board I frequent changed their BB software due to the licence getting too expensive. Was just wondering whether it was an option

ChrisW - 15/12/02 at 12:29 AM


Sorry I sounded off at you there - realise it was a bit harsh of me now. I'd just had enough of people complaining that night!

Anyway, to answer your question - moving to another software version has advantages and disadvantages. The obvious one being it may noit be possible to transfer existing messages/login details etc over to a new system. This is the main reason I've stuck with XMB despite all the issues with it. Hacking the SQL databases around to be compatable with another forum system is not something I want to get into if at all possible! (any volunteers?? )


Metal Hippy™ - 15/12/02 at 04:30 PM

I'll do it, but keep in mind I have no idea whatsoever about programming, so it may well not work at all afterwards..

{{{Edit>>>>}}} Just noticed I have just done the 20,000th post with this one...

[Edited on 15/12/02 by Metal Hippy™]

UncleFista - 16/12/02 at 05:09 PM

Originally posted by ChrisW

Sorry I sounded off at you there - realise it was a bit harsh of me now. I'd just had enough of people complaining that night!

Anyway, to answer your question - moving to another software version has advantages and disadvantages. The obvious one being it may noit be possible to transfer existing messages/login details etc over to a new system. This is the main reason I've stuck with XMB despite all the issues with it. Hacking the SQL databases around to be compatable with another forum system is not something I want to get into if at all possible! (any volunteers?? )


No probs Chris, you've just blinded me with science there ;( Sounds a bit over my head I'll just go along with whatever you say (I'm following the bloke who sounds like he knows what he's on about )
