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"SEARCH" un helpfull !
kango - 15/10/05 at 04:43 AM

I know I saw a treat with a link to an Autocad fiel viewer.

30 min of searching and I still can't find the link

wilkingj - 15/10/05 at 05:55 AM

Originally posted by kango
I know I saw a treat with a link to an Autocad fiel viewer.

Try searching for a FILE viewer mot a FEIL viewer

Wasnt anything under the software page here?

The Bentley viewer is probably the one..

Hope this helps...did it with a 2 min search on this site. You need to get a faster computer

[Edited on 15/10/2005 by wilkingj]

RoadkillUK - 15/10/05 at 11:56 AM

I won't take credit for this (but I can't remember who posted it, even though it was yesterday)

If you use a % as a delimeter in place of the spaces, you will get more results.

Try searching for 'fuel pump crossflow' and then try 'fuel%pump%crossflow'. The first search will bring up nothing but the second will bring up all the posts with all 3 words in.


Edit: Search for 'Autocad%view'

[Edited on 15/10/05 by RoadkillUK]

kango - 15/10/05 at 12:38 PM

Does this search go into the treats or just look at the headings for a match?

kango - 15/10/05 at 01:07 PM

Tried to download the bentley viewer.


Now I know I have a slow computer.

JoelP - 15/10/05 at 06:47 PM

it searches texts too