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Just got sent a (probable) virus to my forum email address
iank - 8/12/05 at 10:06 PM

I have a unique email address just for this forum, and just got sent something that looks very much like a virus.

Subject: my advice....

solve the problem!

with an executable called attached - not that I could run it if I was stupid enough to - not using a micro$oft OS.

Only place the addy has been used is on the forum or talking to a couple of people on the forum. So be careful out there.

flak monkey - 8/12/05 at 10:10 PM

Address are eaily ripped from forums by bots then used to send spam mail out.

This one doesnt seem too bad to others I have been on in the past. But it does still happen.

I always delete mail from people I dont know, or with a dodgy subject line. I dont bother even reading them. Unless I am expecting an email from someone who isnt on my contacts list!
