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photo archive
lee001 - 3/4/06 at 04:54 PM

how do you view members photos that are on the photo archive?

have tried opening the images nothing appears.

have tried save picture, doesnt work

please advise.

CommanderAce - 3/4/06 at 04:59 PM

can you see this?

lee001 - 3/4/06 at 05:04 PM

Forum Code: [img]/upload/Dscn0356.jpg[/img]

all i got was this message above

CommanderAce - 3/4/06 at 05:05 PM

okay, how about this?

Humbug - 3/4/06 at 05:07 PM

Is your browser set to block ads, pictures or popups? Could be one of those is stopping the page appearing?

CommanderAce - 3/4/06 at 05:09 PM

thats what I'm thinking.
If its FireFox simply right click and untick Block Images from locostbuilders

Tools - Options - Content
make sure Load Images is ticked and check the Exceptions button to the right (the second one)

[Edited on 3-4-06 by CommanderAce]

lee001 - 3/4/06 at 05:14 PM

just tried with pops okay

but still can not see any photos

CommanderAce - 3/4/06 at 05:15 PM

What browser are you using?

lee001 - 3/4/06 at 05:59 PM

internet explorer