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dog slow
ned - 17/4/06 at 09:20 PM

i recon database issues and resources of servers are getting whacked as i got a major slowdown a few mins ago, am seeing some major multiple posting and got an error too many database connections error a few mins ago.


k33ts - 17/4/06 at 09:22 PM

same here thought it was my crap pc

JoelP - 17/4/06 at 09:23 PM

me too, i think the database or connection is reaching its limits!

flak monkey - 17/4/06 at 09:27 PM

Yep, i noticed its been having a few slow moments recently, when all other sites have been fine. The search function is also very slow now.

I guess this site is getting huge now in terms of data stored!

NigeEss - 18/4/06 at 08:29 AM

A victim of it's own success !

andyharding - 18/4/06 at 05:01 PM

Chris: if the problem is in fact due to the sites popularity give us a shout if you want our help setting up a load balanced platform for hosting it.

bob - 18/4/06 at 05:45 PM

I caught up with chrisw this morning, told him about the slow weekend but seems ok now.

He did say that if anyone can sort a better database system instead of the dreadfull search they are welcome to have a go.

I presume by contacting chris through his mailbox.