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geoff shep - 11/5/03 at 07:49 PM

How about a sticky in the sales and wants forum suggesting folk title posts something a bit more descriptive than 'for sale'

oh, and how about reminding/pointing out that it isn't necessary when replying to posts to 'quote' the entire previous post.

chrisg - 11/5/03 at 09:51 PM

"Saucer of milk for the shep table"

(You're right though)



ChrisW - 12/5/03 at 08:51 AM

I was thinking exactly that... Will sort it later today.


timf - 13/5/03 at 10:00 AM

would it be possible to have like an ftp area where people could post things like autocad drawings and the like ?


ned - 14/5/03 at 10:10 AM

why not export/save as jpg, put in photo archive, people can mail you if they want a copy bad enough (or have you had likie a million requests for a drawing?) if it's dimensioned ok should be able to work from a jpg, no need for scale version unless they want to modify it (suppose that's probably very likely.)

I guess I talked myself into a hole on this one, oh well.

Yeah, why not have an ftp are Chris? pending storage space availability on your servers of course!
