Can anyone tell me how to post multiple images with text in between in a single post please?
Can't for the life of me figure it out
1. Upload the images to your archive
2. Right click said image
3. Click properties
4. Copy the image url (highlight and press ctrl+c)
5. Paste (ctrl+v) the text into your post between img tags [ img] and [ /img] without the spaces.
6. Repeat for each picture.
Can someone please sticky this thread, as its getting tedious typing this out everytime someone asks...
[Edited on 11/2/07 by flak monkey]
Cheers Flack man
cheers flak monkey helped me out aswell
Cheers David..... helped me out too!
Someone being ChrisW
If it does get stickyed some more useful and oft repeated wisdom.
Why can't I upload my picture to the photoarchive
1. Pictures have to have a unique name within all photo archives not just yours.
2. There is a file size limit so you may have to reduce the quality of the jpeg and/or shrink the image. Shrinking the image is probably a good idea
anyway as not everyone has a superwidescreen lcd monitor!
3. It uploaded, but it doesn't work in a message. Beware 'funny' characters. It's best to just use text numbers and maybe
underscore in the filename. spaces and other random characters can cause problems.