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Learn where we are in the world ...
RoadkillUK - 30/6/03 at 07:00 PM

... and what we are building

Chris, I found this whilst nosing through some newsgroups messages, is it possible for you to add this to the website 'cos I think it's cool basically


[Edited on 30/6/03 by RoadkillUK]

ned - 1/7/03 at 09:41 AM

some people won't want to have known locations.

there is the problem of criminals knowing where the kits/tools are for too.

apart from that, a good idea roadkill.


Mark H - 3/7/03 at 01:29 PM

I think its a great idea! As long as you dont put in the first line of your address, how can that make you more likely to be broken into (valid point though!)?

Eg you live in "Leeds" or "Luton", not "999 Lezbee Avenue, Leeds" or "1 Right Rough End, Luton".

ned - 3/7/03 at 01:58 PM

Fair comment, though there is the location field on your profie for a general town name & you an be as specific as you like i guess.
