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How about a photo archive search?
Catpuss - 24/6/07 at 06:23 PM

I was wondering if it would be useful to be able to search the photo archive by description?
Or even browse thumbnails
The reason being, the archive is pretty huge now with some rather excellent build photos.

Being able to search on say "radiator mount" would really help I think.

dmottaway - 24/6/07 at 06:50 PM

only if the owner of the photo actually puts a meaningful description on it. who knows what "DSC1401" means?


Simon - 24/6/07 at 06:52 PM

Good idea in principle, but how many photos actually have a proper name rather than that given to it by the photo software of individuals camera maker etc.

Unfortunately, I can't see too many people willing to go change all photo descriptions especially some of larger archives.

Nice idea though!



bimbleuk - 24/6/07 at 07:19 PM

Yes a good idea which I've missed in the past when looking for inspiration. My pictures do all have meaningful descriptions