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U2U email notification?
bigandy - 5/1/08 at 09:56 AM

MOrning folks.

I was just wondering, does this forum have the option to send an email to notify of a newly received U2U message (in the same way it does for a subscribed topic reply.

I've just had a mooch through the various user settings and stuff, and cannot see anything that does it....


speedyxjs - 5/1/08 at 10:10 AM

Dont think so, sorry

blakep82 - 5/1/08 at 11:07 AM

would be a cracking idea! much better than people making pointless topics, like

"FAO Bigandy, you have u2u"

to which andy would reply in the topic

"u2u read and replied"

Fozzie - 5/1/08 at 11:24 AM

Yep those posts are totally pointless

If you have a u2u then as soon as you log on to the site, it tells you! Where is it? at the bottom of the header, right in the centre!

If people haven't logged on to the site, they haven't seen NO point in making a 'topic'...

Just look at the site a bit more will see if you have a u2u......


Rant over.........and breathe.........
oooo thats better!


blakep82 - 5/1/08 at 11:59 AM


i always ask why people make them, they say its because the u2u notification in the header isn't obvious enough

make a topic about it, and in half an hours time its lost amongst other new topics in the list and even less obvious!