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Unable to set background
Rob Lane - 20/10/03 at 09:04 AM

Hi Chris,

I seem unable to set the background to no chequerplate. I've set it to default which always gave a more pleasing to me background but it has no effect.

It was also much quicker to load for me with my paltry 46k dial up speed. No broadband here for the foreseeable future. In fact they will probably invent something else before we ever get it.

Our exchange is one of the oldest around and just serves a small area. BT estimate a 750k upgrade cost !!

Rob Lane

Metal Hippy - 20/10/03 at 09:15 AM

Chris got rid of it Rob...

Only the damn checkerplate now.

Rob Lane - 20/10/03 at 09:25 AM

Damn, it just takes so long to load a new Luego pic each time!!! It's made the site a chore to access now, it's just so slow.

Chris said the banner was meant to change at each load but it stays the same here but loads each time.

Sorry about post here, I meant to put it in Website problems.

Chris, do you have a high speed connection? If so, you aught to come and try a slow connection just to see the result of a small change!

[Edited on 20/10/03 by Rob Lane]