could I suggest changing the stylesheet or whatever it is that makes links people post invisible (undectorated)
often I have to think "hmm, that doesn't make sense, unless.. I wonder if there's a link in there" and sweep around with the
dunno how many links I've missed..
I do agree that the external links could do with being of a different colour...
I was just thinking of underlining.
You know, that standard thing that links have on the net..
but bold, different colour, anything to mark them hot would be good
That too could cause a problem cos some people do this!
I cant get your link to work
people do this!
I don't think it would be a terribly serious problem
Another idea on a similar line (that i've seen on other forums) is when you've done a search it marks the word/phrase on the threads in the
results in say red, so you can see easily where its matched the word or phrase you're searching on.
Then there's the problem with showing all the posts from the same thread in a list on the same search. (is anyone getting what i'm on
Oh yeah, plus the links thing this thread is actually about, different colour is my favourite, or use the standard blue + underline for a
over to CHRISW: duh, duh, darrr....
earth to chrisw..
or do you secretly like to make links difficult to find?
Test link here
woot! Ignore my u2u
We could always do it ourselves guys:
Like this link to my site: MK Hellfire
Is that easy enough for you lot with Labrador's???
Just kiddin' - it ain't that easy!!!