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R1 query
Yazza54 - 15/12/10 at 07:39 AM

Just wondering on my 5pw, are they made up like 2 stroke bike engines... Where you can remove the head and then remove the cylinder block and leave the crankcases with pistons rods etc all still assembled in the car? Or is the cylinder block/barrel an the crankcase all one piece?

locoR1 - 15/12/10 at 08:18 AM

The cylinders are all part of the crankcase so its a compleat engine strip to get the pistons out, think most bike engines are like that these days.

nitram38 - 15/12/10 at 09:01 AM

The engine is so small and relatively light that it is easy to get out anyway. I just got a mate help me lift mine in.