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Leighton Buzzard
rickys2000 - 13/3/09 at 10:33 PM

Anyone have any experience or tips for SVA in Leighton Buzzard. Put it down as my first choice so hopefully will get it as most local. Just wanna know what to expect............

cloudy - 13/3/09 at 10:46 PM

Hey Ricky,

I'm the one who kept stealing your hoist! Great to hear you've reached SVA stage!

I was tested at LB - Check and double check your radius' they are hot on that, everything else is fairly run of the mill - the tester is Doug, a nice chap who's a genuine petrolhead...


greggors84 - 14/3/09 at 12:30 AM

I was tested there too. They did everything they could to help me pass. Very friendly and helpful.

They didnt pick anything out on mine in particular just some wires that came loose from under the dash.

They will let you sort things out during the test so make sure you take lots of spare rubber trim, cable ties, foam tape etc and some basic tools.

IDONTBELEIVEIT - 14/3/09 at 07:20 AM

carefull you don't leave your keys in it and go for a coffee as doug the tester likes to go for a blat

davida - 14/3/09 at 07:24 AM

Hi Ricky,

Best of luck for the test!


belgian2b - 14/3/09 at 06:02 PM


my car was checked ( and failed in Leighton Buzzard) .
Tester was Dave.Very nice and very helpfull person.
He wont let pass anything, but will explain what he expects.
Good luck,


cloudy - 14/3/09 at 07:25 PM

How long ago was that? As far as I know its just Doug and Andy?