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Seat padding
noc231073 - 3/4/11 at 10:01 PM

Where would one get seat padding ... I have Mk fibreglass seats
I've seen some before but can't find the website

Gordy - 3/4/11 at 10:07 PM

Try JK Composites, not cheap but look

austin man - 3/4/11 at 10:09 PM

some people use neoprene, some use a camping mat then there are the vinyl covered ones

adithorp - 3/4/11 at 10:10 PM

I used camping mat. Decatlon stores do it in various thickness with a silver surface that looks OK.

Humbug - 4/4/11 at 09:37 AM

I used a black (well, very dark grey) camping mat from ebay for my JK seats

Promai Joe - 23/4/11 at 08:47 PM

I have this issue, not having a roof, is there a waterproof/non absorbant foam which can be used? Or do I go for go cart style removalable seat pads?