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1.3 crossflow megajolt map
myeates - 1/3/09 at 10:12 PM


has anybody got a basic map for a 1.3 crossflow that i can start with on my megajolt when it goes in.

the engine is standard tune with a 32dgv downdraft carb

thanks all



mediabloke - 1/3/09 at 10:30 PM

Hi Mark,

Have you tried this one?
The source car appears to have been running twin 40s, so yours will be somewhat leaner.

If you have any doubts at all, it may be safest to run it with the basemap and book yourself some rolling road time.


wonderfulweasel - 1/3/09 at 11:27 PM

I have used the one linked above on mine. It works fine, although it does seem to be a strange shape.

There are a couple of other maps available on the MegaJolt forum (for 1600 Xflows). I have also used these with no problems. I used one for called "safexflow" as my first tester as this seemed a fairly conservative map.

Although all of the ones above have worked, I'm not sure that they're spot on for my set up so am currently trying to develop my own. I think that all of them work as a starting point.

myeates - 2/3/09 at 05:49 PM

thanks guys will try those and play with them when its running

thanks very much