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WTD: top hat bushes making
locoboy - 15/2/12 at 10:28 PM

Fellow 4 wheelers,

I have a little project in the pipeline and I will need some bushes to go inside a tube.

I don't have the tubing yet but it will be approx 25mm ID and the bashed would be about 13mm long.

It is not an automotive application, just something for at home and It needs to pivot, no real stresses on it either.

Im thinking that I could use a fairly solid bush material, maybe even aluminium? and forgo the crush tube and just allow the bolt to pivot on the inner surface of the bush, probably an M8 or M10 bolt through the bush so a suitable hole in the bush would be required.

I would need 6 of them (3 pairs) making.

Is there anyone out these who can help?
Beer tokens waiting

[Edited on 15/2/12 by locoboy]

Chippy - 15/2/12 at 11:28 PM

You could try a U2U to Flak monkey, he does a bit of turning. HTH Ray

Myke 2463 - 15/2/12 at 11:41 PM

Flaks Contact.

HowardB - 16/2/12 at 02:48 AM

can turn things in Nylon if that helps?

TimC - 16/2/12 at 07:10 AM

If David (Flak) is swamped, speak to Dave at Track Developments. I'm there often enough and in Shropshire (Prees, Whitchurch) often enough that I can probably save you postage.

Strontium Dog - 16/2/12 at 12:41 PM

I could knock those out for you easily enough. Drop me a PM if you would like me to do them for you!

Cheers Si.

Mistron - 16/2/12 at 06:53 PM

Plasticparts are always good for samples.
would Mini engine stabiliser bushes do? I have a load of rubber ones you could have if they would do?

locoboy - 27/2/12 at 01:15 PM

Thanks for the advice and offers, I will be in touch once I have the tube and know the exact dimensions.