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Oil Squirters for Blacktop
speedstar - 9/3/12 at 02:54 PM

Replacing the oil squirters/cooling jets on a blacktop zetec and just wonderring if anyone knows where to get them?


PSpirine - 9/3/12 at 04:51 PM

Try Ford directly - I have a feeling it might be one of those parts that's pretty cheap from a dealer.

PSpirine - 9/3/12 at 04:51 PM

Question is why are you replacing them? Not really an easy part to wear out?

speedstar - 9/3/12 at 05:48 PM

Because I want to start with an engine I know is good. No point turning up to a race with an unknown engine

MakeEverything - 10/3/12 at 09:07 AM

If the jets are the same as a Renault Turbo engine, then the jets will be fine, its just the springs behind them you want to replace. This will save you some £££.