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Ebay woes
JamJah - 16/2/09 at 10:42 PM

Ok, not generally an eBay downer as I have generally steered clear if something looks dodgy.

Tonight there were tickets to a gig going on value. The listing had 2 sets available and the body text defiantly said bidding on a pair of tickets. Seller has 100% feedback and a decent number of points. 10 minutes to go, no bids...

So I email the seller and cheekily gave an offer of the face value, postage and an extra tenner ie £70, to which I was told that it was £50 for the pair that's what I was originally thinking to pay each. Being ultra cautious I send an email confirming definitely £50 for a pair for the right gig etc etc. And the one word response was “yes”.

So I bid, and I win one of the pair and receive the following email:

“Did you think you were getting one or two tickets as Ebay seems to have put through 2 winning bidders both at £60 and I only have two tickets?”

I will copy and paste the dialogue that opened from here…

”I wanted 2 tickets. I did even confirm that it was £50 for a pair and not £50 each as the ebay listing suggested.”

“Sorry Ebay has put forward 2 winning bidders - it must have thought I was selling tickets individually when as you say I was not. I have already received money from the other bidder so I guess i will have to send the tickets to him. Sorry about this and please do not send any money.”

“Not too satisfactory at all from my point of view. Imagine I had won then not paid, would you have been happy?
We have entered into a contract for you to supply me with a pair of tickets at £60. I had even checked it was for a pair. I feel your only option is to source another pair to make sure your not in breach of our contract.”

“Sorry about that I suggest you take it up with Ebay who appear to have made a real dogs dinner of this! Yes I was always selling the two tickets but perhaps you can tell me what I am supposed to do when Ebay declare two winners at the same price for what is one lot. I am reasonably new at this but have sold a few items before now without any problem. Once again I can only apologize for the inconvenience.”

Now I haven’t paid the guy, but that isn’t the point. Where should I go from here?

eddie99 - 16/2/09 at 10:47 PM

Hes obviously scamming or trying to get himself out of something because Ebay never declares 2 winners unless he puts 2 listings up for the same thing which was his fault. Maybe he put quantity 2 when he listed it so its his fault.
I would report it to ebay and leave him bad feedback but on the other hand he does seem genuinely sorry so it depends how you feel.

[Edited on 16/2/09 by eddie99]

coozer - 16/2/09 at 10:47 PM

Just forget it, I know your disappointed but at least he's been honest? and not scammed you for the cash.

clairetoo - 16/2/09 at 10:48 PM

I'm guessing that he had two tickets for sale , so under `quantity` he put two - when he should have put one , since they were for sale as a pair ?
Which makes it his cock-up , not ebay's
A total numpty IMHO .

McLannahan - 16/2/09 at 10:50 PM

To be honest he seems quite genuine and a mistake has been made by him for not checking his advert before he posted it.

I'd be annoyed but he is being polite and I do value that. I'd be annoyed but just move on. Now the other chap has paid and beaten you to it there's not a lot you can do!

I'd certainly not persue him to supply you with tickets. It seems like an honest mistake to me.

JamJah - 16/2/09 at 10:51 PM

Originally posted by clairetoo
I'm guessing that he had two tickets for sale , so under `quantity` he put two - when he should have put one , since they were for sale as a pair ?
Which makes it his cock-up , not ebay's
A total numpty IMHO .

That was my thoughts entirely.

ReMan - 16/2/09 at 11:07 PM

A dick trying to get a better price methinks.
Did you bid on or off eBay though as you mentionan email?
Either way you've lost nothing do t waste any more energy

JamJah - 16/2/09 at 11:09 PM

I did everything legitly and on ebay.

Jon Ison - 16/2/09 at 11:56 PM

eBay do declare two or more winners, we have sold 4 items at the one bid price to four different winners before,

Confused ? I know what I mean.

Hellfire - 17/2/09 at 12:13 AM

I don't think it was done as an intentional scam...

Seems the guy has made a genuine error in setting up the quantity as previously stated.

Yes you have a contract with him but if you persue it - you would not win the eBay judgement.

Move on - you've lost no money...


MK9R - 17/2/09 at 09:20 AM

I've listed tickets on ebay before, and it is very confusing. I actually ended up listing it wrongly and had to end the listing to redo it. if you have multiple items, it goes to the top bidders, i.e. 3 items, 3 top bidders get it for the lowest bid.

chrism - 17/2/09 at 02:23 PM

Who bid first, as I would say they are the one who should get the tickets as a first come first served situation, as it looks like the seller didnt setup the auction correctly.

Ive seen that before being done by a new seller, he had listed a pair of mini front hubs but had put the number avilable down as 2 so I ended up emailing him to check and only bid on one.

[Edited on 17/2/09 by chrism]