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wing stays
david_hornet27 - 3/4/11 at 09:49 PM

Hi everyone. I'm new here so hello!

Sorry if I am missing something obvious but I couldn't find quite what I needed by searching

I have just got my Locost 7 ready for the track but have one problem...

I bought some 2nd hand wing stays and on my first drive one of them broke. Luckily not any damage but it is now flapping and probably needs one pot hole to finish her off!

Can anybody recommend a place I can look at and buy online wing stays for cortina uprights?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Regards, David.

richard - 3/4/11 at 10:36 PM

where you based out of interest, cant you get this one repaired.

Steve Hignett - 3/4/11 at 11:46 PM

Procomp (on here) sells wingstays that suit Cortina uprights...

snapper - 4/4/11 at 05:44 AM

Rally design do them.
As they are a relatively big company you will have statutory rights, i.e. 12 month guarantee.

macc man - 4/4/11 at 08:55 AM

I had same problem with wings flapping on bumps so I changed design from book to use tubular arms to wings. This greatly reduces flap and fategue wear.

snowy2 - 4/4/11 at 11:00 AM

making wing stays should not present any problems if you have built a locost...the trouble lies in the fact that folks like the slim line almost hidden look, (so not really strong enough) wing stays have to suffer huge acceleration and deceleration forces and they will all eventually break. you really need quite substantial wing stays to have a chance of lasting a full year and the lightest wings you can find...even then...... On my car years ago they broke so often that i converted to clamshells. A friend of mine has his wing stays machined out of billet aluminium and fitted carbon fibre wings, they have lasted so far.....they were unsurprisingly, expensive. (very)

David Jenkins - 4/4/11 at 12:11 PM

The main problem is if you support a fairly substantial thing on one side only, then flap it up and down energetically every second or so, then metal fatigue is a very strong possibility. After my 3rd wing stay breakage I was seriously considering clamshells - but as I couldn't find any I shamelessly copied someone else's bright idea to support the wing on both sides (Dave Greeves).

It no longer flaps, so the chance of metal fatigue is greatly reduced. Details of how I did this are on my website (click on the WWW button below, if you're curious).

Now I know that many people don't like the look of this - but, frankly, I don't care!

I should add that a significant number of people haven't had their wing stays break... perhaps they're lucky, or their design is better than my original one was.

david_hornet27 - 5/4/11 at 08:48 PM

Thanks for all the replies! I have gone and ordered 2 new ones from kitspares as the ones I had were basically beyond repair as they had been welded again and again. Richard, I am based in Reading and would welcome some Locost friends...