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richard - 10/5/11 at 04:02 PM

Gone and damaged my book chassis locost passesngers side panel that we originally got from Luego as their velocity panels were ideal for the pinto engine we put in.
i know and have heard from Luego that they are not producing these any more.
Who is still making book chassis panels now as most seem to be making Gibbs roadster ones.
I have got the option of making my own as have a spare sheet but need to keep that for another project at present.

jollygreengiant - 10/5/11 at 04:53 PM

You need to speak to Steve from the 750Racing ( he used to work for Luego when they were the original company at Peterborough).

richard - 10/5/11 at 05:37 PM

thanks for the advise, went looking and spoke to him at Stoneleigh, very knowleable and exchanged contact details ( gave him mine as well ).
I have called the mobile number, left a message and emailed the web site but with no repsonse.
Anyone anyother contact details for them as after doing a web search only pulled up the same ?

jollygreengiant - 10/5/11 at 06:31 PM

Ah, you would be the chap I spoke to then, sorry no other details as yet, I know that he is very busy, but he will get in touch woth you of that I am sure.