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rush mc fuel pump and filters location
dano - 12/10/10 at 05:00 PM

on my rush mc build i cant decide where to run the fuel lines and mount the pump etc.

normally i think its fitted in front of the drivers foot well, below the peddle box and paddle shift linkage.
i decided to mount the battery in this location to keep the shelf in front of the scuttle free of as many things as possible.

now tho it leaves me the problem of, do i squeeze the pump and filter into the small space near the battery, or run the fuel lines in front of the passenger foot well end plate, this being nearish the exhaust tho.
ideally i don't want the fuel lines near a heat or electrical source, but which is the lesser of two evils?
i could always make up a heat shield?

i dont really want to bite the bullet and move the battery after the hassle i went through putting it there

any thoughts?


Blackbird Rush - 12/10/10 at 07:00 PM

Heres what i did with mine...

dano - 12/10/10 at 08:39 PM

thanks, that looks good.

I wanted to do a similar thing but over the other side of the engine as i have less space than you on the drivers side.

do you a see any problem with it being below the exhaust down pipes? apart from it being a bit messy when it come to changing oil filter