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VDO Gauges - Feed Voltage and Regulators (CCVS1)
dhutch - 19/3/09 at 05:09 PM

My dash has a set of VDO gauges.
- Oil presure, engine temp, fuel leval, and batteryvoltage.

The loom then also has a voltage stabiliser on the gauge feed, which was disconnected when i bought the car.
- In and outgoing feeds pluged together, regulator left hanging from earth point.

Without the voltage regulator the gauges all appear to function correctly. Temp seams to maintain arounf 85, oil presure starts out at about 4.5 and falls to 3bar once up to temp. Fuel is as accurate as you might expect. With the regulator everything seams very low!

However im just wondering why the regulator is in there. And what the gauges would normal expect.
- Obviously a nice electronical regulated voltage would be nice for gauge accuratecy (currently dips a little when you turn the headlights on, etc) but if there designed for a 12/13v feed rather than a regulated 10v even the steadyest 10v ever is no good!

Prehaps the gauges where changed a some point, and no longer need the regulator?


tomgregory2000 - 19/3/09 at 05:37 PM

i have VDO instruments fitted and no regulator and all work fine, i wouldnt worry about it and rip it out and save the weight

Land Locked - 19/3/09 at 05:58 PM

The only time I've ever used VDO instruments they were straight 12V no regulator at all.

dhutch - 19/3/09 at 09:17 PM

Sounds fair enough.
- The previous owner did put in a new dash, although i thought the guages where origanal, maybe there not.

Im also interested in adding an oil temp sensor, if not as a permanant install, so i can see what the sandwich plate and oil cooler are doing.
- Seen a few mathcing 2" vdo oil temp gauges on the bay, but what would i need by way of a sender, and where would that go on an engine (CVH, 1600 block)


dhutch - 20/3/09 at 06:10 PM

Originally posted by dhutchIm also interested in adding an oil temp sensor, if not as a permanant install, so i can see what the sandwich plate and oil cooler are doing.
- Seen a few mathcing 2" vdo oil temp gauges on the bay, but what would i need by way of a sender, and where would that go on an engine (CVH, 1600 block)

Anyone on this?