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Flashy indicators - easy or not??
chrsgrain - 25/1/06 at 06:31 PM

Hi all,

On my wifes company car (Golf) if you just flick the indicator stalk, it makes 3 flashes of the appropriate indicator. This might sound like much, but its actually really useful when driving about (its the best thing on the car if you ask me!)..... Question is, is there a locost way of doing this?? At the moment I'm planning on using standard Sierra stalks.... any electricity wizards out there??


flyingkiwi - 25/1/06 at 07:14 PM

The really locost way is to count 3 flashes then switch them off.

Think you can get clockwork self cancelling indicators from SVC


but at £35 they're not exactly locost.

A look on google turned up a couple of results but nothing conclusive. Best bet would be to look into the bike world as some bikes tend to have self cancelling indies. Not sure how you will be able to wire it into the system though, as the Ford method of hazard/indicator wiring is (for me anyway) hard to grasp.

Dunno if this helps

[Edited on 25-101-0606 by flyingkiwi]

paulbeyer - 25/1/06 at 11:27 PM

Got the same thing on my Mondy. Tiz a really handy feature, not sure how it works though.

Jon Ison - 26/1/06 at 07:16 AM

Got he same here, i find it a pain in the ass,

Any mistakes it still flashes 3 times.

you cant say "ta" too anyone who lets you out/into traffic cos it seams too go on for ever, rather than a quick "ta"