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OT - 70" RC Spitfire plans - help needed
Ivan - 4/12/10 at 09:11 AM

Last week I saw a RC Magazine with 70" Spitfire plans in it. Thinking about it I thought "what a great project for a few years time when we move to a flat and my car building days are over". Went to look at the News Agency today to buy it only to find it's off the shelves.

Anyone know what magazine it was in so I can try to get a back issue - or got the magazine and don't want the plans.

BenB - 4/12/10 at 09:16 AM

That was the RCME Special edition. Guess how I know. Drop us a U2U with an address and I'll send you the magazine (instructions) and plan.

BenB - 4/12/10 at 09:18 AM

tegwin - 4/12/10 at 09:24 AM

Its worth noting that the plans in their magazines usually require you to buy various bits to complete it (engine naccelles, plastic trim etc)... the bits are usually made in very small quantities by enthusiasts... you could make them yourself, but it would be easier if you plan to build the aircraft in the future to perhaps order those bits ASAP and store them with the plan :-)

A few times i have wanted to build from an old RCME plan, but without some of the added bits it was going to be a nightmare...

steve m - 4/12/10 at 09:27 AM

Does any one actually build these "kit planes" anymore ?

We do have a couple of members in our club who still do the old fashioned building, we all know who they are
as they never have time for flying

My current steed of flyable airframes apart from a scratch built hurricane, are all ARTF's

They are also much lighter, and easier to fly than most kit planes also £100's cheaper


BenB - 4/12/10 at 09:43 AM

The good thing about that particular plan is that its by Tony Nijhuis who has been doing them for quite a long time and sells all the CNC packs, plastic parts etc etc. And he's still selling ones for plans from a few years back.

I still haven't got round to buying an ARTF. Too busy flying my old hand built ones and I actually enjoy building. With some things a lot of the enjoyment is in the building- like a Locost Then again, the next plane I've got my beady eyes on is an ARTF...

Davey D - 4/12/10 at 10:09 AM

Originally posted by steve m
Does any one actually build these "kit planes" anymore ?

We do have a couple of members in our club who still do the old fashioned building, we all know who they are
as they never have time for flying

My current steed of flyable airframes apart from a scratch built hurricane, are all ARTF's

They are also much lighter, and easier to fly than most kit planes also £100's cheaper


Both me, and my wife have built ours from kits. My wife built her first one to keep her amused while i was building the VortX. We was having a little race to see who would be finished first... She won in the end

rf900rush - 4/12/10 at 10:50 AM

I have bought plans from Traplet


Make sure you don't have kids on the way.

I bought a Topflite spitfire a while back, and not statred yet. That's seven years this month

ashg - 4/12/10 at 11:15 AM

i purchased plans from brian taylor back in the day, i believe traplet now sell them on his behalf. there is a company in notrthfleet kent that can laser cut all the bits if you cant be bothered . i built an 82 inch corsair from brian taylor plans and it is by far my favourite scale model to fly. i must admit it doesnt get flown that much because i dont have a lot of time with work etc etc. my favourite thing i love to fly is my zagi slope soarer the thing is virtually indestructible and will stay up all day on a single charge, the best thing about it is you can throw it in the boot with the box and thats all you need, kinda got fedup going down the field with a boot full of tools and gear just to have a days flying.

Ivan - 4/12/10 at 02:52 PM

BenB - you have u2u

Thanks all the others - you have given me lots to think about.

meany - 4/12/10 at 04:06 PM

an ex bulider/flier here and i still have ALL my stuff including my "brian taylor" spitfire, ill see if i can find my old website that i havent touched in years...due to orange cocking things