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Ring Trip
55ant - 4/12/10 at 03:25 PM

good evening everyone, hope all is well.

Im organising my first Ring trip. 3 people in 3 cars will be going (hopefully) on the 22nd of april and coming back on the 24th, however before i confirm these dates i need to find out if the ring is going to be open! I cant seem to find a website that cleary states whats going on.

In addition any advice is welcome, think so far we will be going by ferry from dover-dunkurque (sp), we are looking to stay for as little as possible, not sure if camping at this time of year is ok. Also we are aiming to be in dover on monday morning (yep, early early morning!)

any tips and advice welcome, we havent got anything in pen yet.


prawnabie - 4/12/10 at 03:37 PM

Ive done that trip at least once a year since 2001! I used to do friday - monday but you can fit the same trip in fri-sun if you know what you are doing. If you are planning on leaving early in the morning I would just leave late on the night before and save on an extra room.

If there are a few of you going I would recommend booking a house though it works or cheaper.

DRC INDY 7 - 4/12/10 at 03:47 PM

Up to 5 of us in 5 cars will be going to the ring next year towards the end of july

marcjagman - 4/12/10 at 05:02 PM

When I saw the heading "Ring trip" thought of a visit to a curry house for some reason.

oadamo - 4/12/10 at 07:33 PM

iam up for coming to the ring next year but it would be in my tintop because my locost is far from finished. .