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Road Runner Racing Ltd
Hector.Brocklebank - 10/6/12 at 10:17 PM

Seeing as its name and shame time....

I have on at least four occasions emailed Road Runner Racing LTD asking them for a price to buy everything I would need to build an SR2.

first got a reply all nice and dandy "yes we can do this , we can do that, will get back to you"

then nada zilch.......

called twice got two different blokes who promised the earth. But again the requested info and price never came.

They are on Face Book and I commented there about their customer service, or lack of, the comment must have lasted all of about a minute !!!

I think some of these companies have their head firmly inserted in their anal cavities.

I really like the lines of the SR2 & the MX5 donor, but due to a lack of customer service, I think there is only two companies around I would say conduct themselves in a professional manner.

And to me that is: Procomp & MNR.

And people wonder why many of the kit car guys are turning to buying MX5's !!!

daniel mason - 11/6/12 at 06:34 AM

mnr will always get in touch,will always be on the other end of the phone, and marc is always available for technical help. after all,they are trying to sell you a kit so it should be in their best interest to at least be ploite and responsive to any questions you may have.
id just get in touch with mnr and am sure you and chris could strike a deal of some kind!

Mad Dave - 11/6/12 at 07:04 AM

Just because you didn't get replies to your emails you just had to tell everyone that their customer service is terrible

I'd rather listen to real customers who have actually bought kits and built SR2's to find out what their customer service is like

designer - 11/6/12 at 07:07 AM

A 'forum' is for telling it how it is.

Some people on here are eager to praise getting a 'normal' service, let others condemn when they do not!

rost - 11/6/12 at 07:24 AM

Originally posted by Mad Dave
Just because you didn't get replies to your emails you just had to tell everyone that their customer service is terrible

I'd rather listen to real customers who have actually bought kits and built SR2's to find out what their customer service is like

How would one order a kit if you can't even reach them?

snakebelly - 11/6/12 at 09:20 AM

Have to say that if I had that much trouble getting hold of them to buy I'd be worried about what support I would get if I needed it, shame, its a good looking car

snakebelly - 11/6/12 at 09:21 AM

Oh and Dave, if you read the original post he called a couple of times as well

carlknight1982 - 11/6/12 at 10:13 AM

I gotta come to the defence of RRR here, the guys at road runner racing helped me out on my IVA day when i needed a set of headlights as the beam in mine wasnt correct, they didnt know me from adam just some guy who called up to beg borrow steal a set of headlamps, and they let me borrow a set off the shelf no payment no nothing, i returned them the same day after IVA pass.
Oh and I built a haynes roadster so nothing to do with RRR at all.

Top guys and very helpful. Id also like to point out that they were extremely busy too.

snakebelly - 11/6/12 at 12:01 PM

Are we seeing a theme here? seems from the recent MK thread and now this one that both companies are excellent if you turn up in person but let themselves down when communicationg via telephone or email

rash12 - 11/6/12 at 12:13 PM

having aquired an sr2, i was after some advice etc, i did struggle with emails but after speaking to rrr at stoneleigh they explaned they dont spend all thier time at the factory, they run another business which is the main one which pays the bills, the rrr is thier second business and they are very busy with customers cars so emails etc tend to be low priority, i know this dosnt make it right but there are only so many hours in a day

Hector.Brocklebank - 11/6/12 at 12:30 PM

Originally posted by rash12
having aquired an sr2, i was after some advice etc, i did struggle with emails but after speaking to rrr at stoneleigh they explaned they dont spend all thier time at the factory, they run another business which is the main one which pays the bills, the rrr is thier second business and they are very busy with customers cars so emails etc tend to be low priority, i know this dosnt make it right but there are only so many hours in a day

That info kinda makes me glad I wont buy a SR2, because who wants to buy a product that is only really something to

"shove in time" when they are quiet with their main product.........

motorcycle_mayhem - 11/6/12 at 12:38 PM

Rather, perhaps, then like a certain caliper/brakes manufacturer that seems to get a bit of flack re. communication (and a few other traits).

On the other foot, I wonder how many enquiries of an idiotic kind they get, and therefore the problem is one of filtering out the dross. I know that RR run another business, perhaps they don't simply have the time to filter, or to respond to all enquiries with the same enthusiasm. Perspectives bad hair days, acts of God. 'Life' might even get in the way of the plans of kit car manufacturers, particularly smaller outfits.

RR aren't perhaps mainstream, in the the MK/Westfield way, so perhaps you've already assessed which route to take, or should I say, which route you feel comfortable with. The products from all these guys is probably quite comparable.

handyandy - 11/6/12 at 03:52 PM

Originally posted by Hector.Brocklebank
I think there is only two companies around I would say conduct themselves in a professional manner.

And to me that is: Procomp & MNR.

I,m not one to normally comment or get embroiled in a "slagging match"


The above statement is IMHO a bit unfair to lots of hard working , good communications , good customer service & good products suppliers within the "Kit Car Industry",

I,m not knocking Procomp or MNR in any way whatsoever ( I,ve never had any dealings with them so wouldn,t wish to comment etc).

To make a generalised comment as you have is really unfair to the dozens & possibly hundreds of other suppliers to the industry we all enjoy so much.

I supply a product/service within the Kit Car industry, so are you saying that my customer service is bad ? I,m sure that you didn,t intend me to feel that you were commenting on me personally, but the generalised comment does "Read" that way, as I say.....unfair assumption.


roadrunnerracing - 12/8/12 at 04:57 PM

Just for the record, all hotmail emails are checked on a daily basis.

The email is

Some people still email (even after being told the hotmail address) the website which is only checked weekly, some people who claim to have

emailed and rang me, have actually never rang or emailed me, so not sure what the problem is with those people. They may have contacted the

previous owner of Roadrunner i.e. nearly two years ago, in which case there is not a lot I can do about it.

My number is on the website, it is my mobile number, we don't have a land line for Roadrunner but do have landlines for my other company.

Some of my staff may be at Roadrunner working but I may not be there hence the reason for people to make an appointment to visit.

Existing customers know it is very easy to contact me, ideally between 9 am to 6 pm Monday to Saturday.

If I don't answer, it may be because I am in a poor signal area, on a racetrack or in a meeting, however my phone logs all calls and I will ring the

caller back as soon as I can. Private numbers excepted as the number is withheld.

Regards Mike

designer - 12/8/12 at 05:30 PM


Private numbers excepted as the number is withheld.

The majority of your sales call will be from private numbers!!

owelly - 12/8/12 at 05:37 PM

I think we all know what he means! He returns calls inless they are witheld.

austin man - 12/8/12 at 06:37 PM

Can I add that my local news agent doesn't stock the Kitcar magazine I like and wont do so as they do not deal with this supplier.

Come on Guys what the F are we trying to turn this forum into, business is hard for all companies and more so for smaller companies lets not start to knock unneccessary nails into coffins. If every business was perfect would we all be happy probably not, someone would be complaining about the cheesy sales person who bent over backward to ensure the customer got everything they ever wanted.

From What I see you were not a customer, a prospective customer agreed, however you had not purchased therefore not a customer which in turn means you couldn't have received poor customer service. You may have received incorrect advice. If your not happy with the communication then Go and Buy From Procomp or MNR.

RRR explanation seems perfectly plausable, having worked in a customer service environment for 15 years in my experience in 8 out of 10 cases its the customer who can create their own experience by the way the ask, the demmands of what they expect etc etc. I have no affiliation with RRR but believe as a newer company we as a forum should be trying to support them to remain in the arena and get a strong foothold into the Kitcar manafacturing fraternity.

Soap box now stepped off

Wadders - 12/8/12 at 06:51 PM

If a company didn't meet my expectations before purchasing anything, then i would probably buy elsewhere.....
However I certainly would not moan about it on an internet forum.....let people form their own opinions based on their own
expectations and experiences.

It's hard enough running a small business without people who have never bought anything from you trying to stir the shit.
