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your opinion please
t11 - 8/11/13 at 12:29 PM

hello all, I've just had my t11 article printed in the December issue of "classic & sports car" in the shops now and I would like your opinion please on a couple of matters, 1st are the photo's I do not like the intense colour ( I belive its called saturation) and the other thing is apart from the 1st instance is the use of my surname through and I find this both rude and offensive, but from what I've been told this is normal in journalism, overall the article reads well, what do the collective think ?.......Gordon

twybrow - 8/11/13 at 12:37 PM

Did you ask to read a proof of the article before it was printed? Did you ask for your name to be omitted (or are you saying they used your surname instead of your first name?).

As for the colour of the printed article - how can you be unhappy with it!? Yes it is your car, but it is not your magazine, and not your photo - if a journalist decided to touch up the photo that they have taken (or if their printer makes everything brighter/more saturated), there is not much you can really say!

No disrespect, but I am not sure you have much to be unhappy about unless you were clear with them beforehand and asked to see the draft before it went to print....

nick205 - 8/11/13 at 01:04 PM

It is certainly common practice to name someone in full; first name/surname and thereafter refer to them by surname. I've had this when referenced in material and have also referenced others this way in material I've written. Can't say it offends me and I've never had anyone take offence (at least not that they've conveyed to me).

matt_gsxr - 8/11/13 at 01:40 PM

Take a deep breath and let it go.

Todays C&SC magazine is tomorrows Guinea Pig cage carpet.

ReMan - 8/11/13 at 01:53 PM

Originally posted by twybrow
Did you ask to read a proof of the article before it was printed? Did you ask for your name to be omitted (or are you saying they used your surname instead of your first name?).

As for the colour of the printed article - how can you be unhappy with it!? Yes it is your car, but it is not your magazine, and not your photo - if a journalist decided to touch up the photo that they have taken (or if their printer makes everything brighter/more saturated), there is not much you can really say!

No disrespect, but I am not sure you have much to be unhappy about unless you were clear with them beforehand and asked to see the draft before it went to print....


Are you going to scan it an put it on here so we can see it?
Or ar you on royalties for magazine sales?

owelly - 8/11/13 at 03:12 PM

IMHO, it depends on what, if any, agreement you have with the publication.
If you have sold them a complete article that you have assembled and edited with the strict instructions that the content must be used as supplied, then you may have a valid grievance.
If you have sent them a few words and photographs for them to use, or they have interviewed you and taken their own photos, then unless you have asked to proof-read the article, I doubt you have room to complain.
Any stuff I send to PPC (or any other editors that ask for stuff) goes with the instructions for them to edit, alter, copy and paste, delete, fabricate, ignore, tweak or whatever else they want to do to it, as I really don't care if they want to take the pi$$ out of me or my cars.
If you're not happy with what has been printed, it's too late now to do anything. Just chalk it down to experience and try not to make the same mistake again.

Smoking Frog - 8/11/13 at 03:31 PM

I do agree with you regarding surname use as I too would find it disrespectful unless there was a mister in front of it. I'm not sure what you can do at this stage other than a letter of complaint.

Hector.Brocklebank - 8/11/13 at 03:59 PM

If all you have to worry about in your life is some journalist using your surname and editing the photo's of your car think yourself very lucky, might be a plan get a (or get on with) life.

TimC - 8/11/13 at 04:40 PM

I've no issues with the use of my surname as you describe. It's perhaps not 'de rigueur' in that so much writing is in a casual or friendly 'voice' these days but that doesn't make it wrong or offensive. In fact, I think it has a ring of tradition and respectability to it. It's certainly the way that academia and professional journals work and is even the way that sports journalists identify people.

I like both Gilberns and C&SC - I'll help your royalties at some point over the weekend.

t11 - 8/11/13 at 05:17 PM

Hi people many thanks for your thoughts, it does seem to be common practice to use a surname throughout a text it just seemed rather rude as for the photo's in my humble opinion had been saturated in colour, I did not have the luxury to proof read if I had it would of been different. I would like to scan and put it on hear but copyright prevents it, so far has anybody seen the magazine yet ?........Gordon

softfeet - 8/11/13 at 05:46 PM

I bought the magazine yesterday and it was the first article I read.

I think it is their usual style to refer to owners, drivers, designers, etc by their surnames. Fangio, Moss, Issigonis, Giacosa sound good.

The photos were probably done like that to give it a trendy, seventies look.

Don't worry about the article - your achievements on that car dwarf anything any journo will do.

It's an amazing car which I enjoyed reading about.

SCAR - 8/11/13 at 06:39 PM

Originally posted by t11
I did not have the luxury to proof read if I had it would of been different.

I must be really petty as this cracked me up

A great car by the way

[Edited on 8/11/13 by SCAR]

coyoteboy - 8/11/13 at 06:52 PM

Why is it offensive to use your surname? Odd to worry about that IMO.

Photo colouring - the photog will have a style and way that they want it portrayed, unless you asked for something specific they have every right to do what they like with a photo that they commissioned and edited?

(Though this comes from a background of academic research publication where surname use (or less!) is the norm and you're bloody lucky if you get through the stringent initial formatting requirements and peer review , and then have to pay for the privilege and then some extra for having a colour image in your own article, while simultaneously handing over full copyright to the publisher )

Quit moaning and get on with it.

[Edited on 8/11/13 by coyoteboy]

scimjim - 8/11/13 at 11:53 PM

"get a life"

"quit moaning and get on with it"

it looks like the "Bare" school of constructive comments is contagious?

coyoteboy - 16/11/13 at 11:28 PM


it looks like the "Bare" school of constructive comments is contagious?


Irony - 17/11/13 at 03:27 AM

You should come and work at my place mate. I regularly get called things that are much worse than my name.