Surely I can't be the only one to make a mistake so stupid you feel embarrassed just looking at it. Consequently I now have a 5 inch slot in my
dash that only needed to be 2 inches at most .
So my tip of the day is... if everything has been going well and you've sorted everything you had planned for the day and your about to pack up
and you think, no, I'll just do that one last thing. DON'T do that one last thing.
Anyway back off to bang my head against the wall
Atleast its a neat bleep up and not a messy one :p
you've seen the picture then. Thinking of gluing it back in from behind and then stick the rev counter there.... its an 80mm one I've ordered so should fill the holes and some of the marks failing that I'll wait till the seats in etc and see if I can move the steering wheel up. Plan C is get a new on :-)
Or... get a nice piece of carbon sheet (or carbon effect) and cut it to form a surround for your clocks/switches/warning lights thus hiding the hole ...everyone loves carbon...
Picture please..just to verify!
Good Plan..... I'll leave that for towards the end, so at my current pace it will be in about 2 years .that said a new one is only £125, still more expense that could have been avoided. We'll wait and see.
Pfft... spend the £125 on hookers and coke...
Just to everyone can have a laugh at your expense:
An Acewell dash would cover that nicely!!
A slightly modified rubber gear lever gaiter would make it look deliberate.
John - have you tried it for size with a seat yet ?
You might get a pleasant surprise - your column does look low down and don't forget you can move the column up in the slides that MNR weld in -
unless they've changed the design.
Thought I had a pic of mine on here
My column seems to sit higher than yours and mine was quite low down as I like that driving position.
I also mounted the gear indicator in the gap above mine - in direct line of sight.
Modify the steering column cowling?
No I've not tried it for size as I don't yet have the seats... however the column is quite low to the bottom of the runners and the time
that I sat in it yesterday to, well, to do nothing more and admire the wheels turning in syncro with the steering wheel. It can wait to further on in
the build, when I have seats in etc. If not I quite like the idea of a modified gaiter, need to find a column shroud first I suppose.
All might not be lost .....
Modify your Steering so you can adjust its height for entering exiting the car....
Mount a gauge in the gap...?
perfect spot for a small brushed alloy plate with a shift light.
Originally posted by loggyboy
perfect spot for a small brushed alloy plate with a shift light.
Originally posted by tegwin
Pfft... spend the £125 on hookers and coke...
Just to everyone can have a laugh at your expense:
i saw simple mistake. guy made lift from wood and paint black
couple of years ago i was cutting some flooring with a chopsaw, i'd finished for the day, all gone well, just decided to cut this last piece then
finish and have a game of golf........... cut my finger off !!! so yes you're right, if its gone well and youre where you wanted to be, rather
than just do that last bit put your tools down and come back to it tomorrow.
It could have been worse mate and i'm sure the dash looks great by now.
Hmm, mine was probably worse.. gets a new scuttle with a nice carbon dash.. so to save a bit time offers it up to the old one to mark the slot for the
column.. cut the slot and put it on the car...
DOH! Slot on the left ...
Ring ring.. Hello, you know that nice carbon scuttle I just bought.. Yes.. Well, can I have another one please....
Measure twice cut once...
That's how it's supposed to be anyway. I measure 3 or 4 times, cut once and then see it's wrong...
I measured the indicators and delights over and over and ended up with this
Must be about an inch out...
Did you sort it ok?
I'd be surprised if you need the steering wheel that low once you've got your seats in. I have GRP seats and a tiny steering wheel in my
MNR, and my column is loads higher then you currently have yours set to.
Seats have an anti submarining section at the front which lifts your thighs higher than what you would think. Get your seats fitted before doing
anything else with the column