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fed up
MakeEverything - 1/7/10 at 05:50 PM

Kit car not moving along.
Missus always out, so im always babysitting when im not at work.
Bought the missus a PADI Introduction to Scuba (for both of us) and got the "Its not really my thing, but ill give it a go".
Work is slow and unpredictable.
Being fked around with a parking ticket and trying to get a dispute resolved. Good old camden council.

Thought id share my misery. sorry.

Johneturbo - 1/7/10 at 06:01 PM

you need to tell the missus her clubbing days are over

MakeEverything - 1/7/10 at 06:04 PM

If she carries on there will only be one clubbing day....

JoelP - 1/7/10 at 06:20 PM

book yourself a lads night out, she cant argue. People will always take a mile if you give an inch, so let her know you've had enough!

LBMEFM - 1/7/10 at 06:34 PM

Good weather though

BenB - 1/7/10 at 08:33 PM

Camden are great
They gave me a parking ticket for being legally parked in a residents parking bay with a residents parking permit but I had two wheels up the kerb so I could spray paint my sills.

Couldn't they see a work of art in progress? Philistines

Apparantly in the whole of London having two wheels up on the kerb is illegal unless there's a sign saying you can.

Annoyingly it appears it's true.

Anyway, back to the OP. Think of the flip side, you get time to see the kids, you've got a kit car coming along nicely (if admittidly slowly) and you've got a missus who has shown an interest in going down What more can you ask for?

Liam - 1/7/10 at 08:41 PM

Still, you didn't, say... step on a landmine today. Look on the bright side, eh?

bi22le - 1/7/10 at 08:45 PM

Camden Council are @$$holes!

I work in their area for the NHS and its constant arrguments. They are immoral people.

"I work with the disabled, if I dont do my job this person will NOT see day light"

Warden: "You are parked illegally, I have a job to give you a ticket regardless of work"

I feel like breaking their legs and then seeing what help they get from the NHS. . .

Look now you have got me started!!!

Oh regarding the lady thing, sit her down and have a chat. She will understand im sure.

need4speed - 1/7/10 at 10:25 PM

Westminster are no better I have a permit as I do some work for them and I still get tickets, but we reckon it's mainly because they can't read english


Andybarbet - 1/7/10 at 10:58 PM

Problem solved, come on me stag do saturday - we are going in morph suits

You know you wanna !

blakep82 - 2/7/10 at 12:54 AM

all the london councils are wnakers
got a ticket from haringey for turning across a bus lane to turn into a side road, wtf?
no wonder i couldn't wait to get out that god awful place...