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B@stard Traffic Wardens
splitrivet - 14/10/10 at 01:32 PM

Called on a job today just the have a quick look to see if the equipment we were supplying was compatible on their network.
Parked on the street just put 1/2 an hour ticket on my motor came out at 10.04 by my watch and the b@stards had booked me. The ticket had expired at 10.01 the ticket said the vehicle was observed between 10.03 to 10.05 and booked at 10.05.
Trouble is you cant ring and argue the toss its all got to be in writing.
In the old days when you had proper traffic wardens they used to use some common sense these sons of bitches employed by the council act like sneak thieves.

matt_gsxr - 14/10/10 at 01:35 PM

The ones around Oxford get paid per ticket.

They hide around the corner when they see a car that is getting close!

graememk - 14/10/10 at 01:37 PM

a bit like our local PCSO

Liam - 14/10/10 at 01:48 PM

Harsh, petty, but you have to expect it these days, unfortunately You could have put an hour on - what were you 'saving' by cutting it fine? 50p? Lesson learned.

[/devil's advocate]

irvined - 14/10/10 at 02:21 PM

Last time i parked overnight in edinburgh, I got up to move the car just before you had to pay again. Traffic warden had printed out tickets for every car on the street, once it was nine o'clock she came down and just stuck one on every car.

I felt a little disgusted, but again not really surprised. I was very glad I got out of bed early enough, that's for sure.

whitestu - 14/10/10 at 02:24 PM

I've been done in Islington for less than 5 mins. The whole system is about generating cash, not controlling parking.

One of the few intelligent things Clarkson has said is, paraphrasing: 'the most stupid use of a car is driving it around for the sole purpose of trying to find somewhere to park it'

[Edited on 14/10/10 by whitestu]

Humbug - 14/10/10 at 02:54 PM

Slightly O/T - you have to pay for the car park in Sevenoaks in the evenings as well as during the day, even though there are hardly any people there except going to restaurants etc. so it's purely about money generation rather than encouraging people to use public transport (what's that - hah!).

I went out with SWMBO on Monday to Tunbridge Wells (just down the road) to see the Armstrong & Miller live show (excellent, btw) and found that the multi-story car park was free after 6pm! Result

Irony - 14/10/10 at 03:00 PM

Where my girlfriend lives in Nottinghill they travel in packs. I saw 5 walking in a group on Wednesday. I was fortunately without my car so I uttered rude words under my breath at them. I truly hate them.

Macbeast - 14/10/10 at 03:01 PM

In some areas they're supposed to "observe " for 5 minutes in case you have a genuine reason for being stopped there Maybe worth contesting it ?

steve m - 14/10/10 at 03:08 PM

Although annoying, they are only doing what they are paid for,
I actually had quite a good convertion with one only a few days ago in town,
as my ticket was expiring soon , i went back to the car with all the shopping, pushchair and baby stuff, while wife, daughter, and baby nipped into sainsburys,

i was panniking as the warden was approaching me as i loaded up, and i told him i was waiting for the rest, he was fine, and said as long as i wasnt there in 15 mins, i was ok

he felt that it was easier to give a few miniutes leeway than take a load of abuse as the owners came back, slightley late


Peteff - 14/10/10 at 03:20 PM

If a gun went off at 10.01 you wouldn't stand in front of it till 10.04 you'd be out of there. I will admit I have never had a parking ticket so never had a problem with wardens.

speedyxjs - 14/10/10 at 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Macbeast
In some areas they're supposed to "observe " for 5 minutes in case you have a genuine reason for being stopped there Maybe worth contesting it ?

Yep, i heard that too.

mookaloid - 14/10/10 at 04:59 PM

If you are depriving other people of a parking space and not paying for the time then are you really that hard done to?

In my street the traffic wardens are fairly lax but it bugs me that people overstay and break the no return within 3 hrs rule and I can't find a space.....grrrrrr

I am a supporter of traffic wardens and I think they do a great job

so don't abuse them - as long as they act within the rules, they are helping the vast majority of us who abide by the rules and strange though it may seem - they are enforcing fair play for people who want to park their cars legally

So take your punishment like a man, pay the fine early for a discount and remember to pay an adequate amount of money next time



adam1985 - 14/10/10 at 05:31 PM

I was talking to a traffic warden last year because I had parked my work van on double yellows but was working in the building next door he said you can park there as long as I return to the van at least every half hour to get tools and other stuff (loading and unloading) which I thought was fair enough

splitrivet - 14/10/10 at 05:44 PM

Dont get me wrong if I was 10 minutes over the time I'd pull my face and pay it and not bring it up here but 4 mins is a bit rich and if as they say they were clocking it when I was 120 seconds over the time this seems ludicrous.
I was in one of the vans so its obvious I was working on site.
Ive emailed the council with a groveling letter but if that fails I'll send them another telling them exactly what I think of them.
I wouldnt mind but the reason I was delayed was a lady at the job was asking me about problems she had with her home phone line and how best to resolve them. Sometimes being friendly and helpful obviously doesnt pay.


[Edited on 14/10/10 by splitrivet]

bitsilly - 14/10/10 at 05:53 PM

They are all people. Some people are unts, some are nice.
Seems you met the former.

plentywahalla - 14/10/10 at 07:06 PM

This is a long story ... but stick with it

Ipswich on street parking, poked £1.20p into machine for 1 hour (half hour 70p) and went to bank. Returned after 40 mins to find £60 parking fine!

Read ticket in detail to discover I had only been credited with £1.10p so only valid for half hour.

Subsequently discovered that machine takes 3 to 4 seconds before coin is credited on display. If button for ticket is pressed within that time the last coin is not credited!

I wrote polite letter to authorities pointing out that it was a design defect in their machine, I had actually paid for 55 minutes pro rata, and Why would anyone voluntarily pay 40p more than they needed to!

The reply was I should read the terms and conditions, but as a concession they would extend the period within which I could pay just £40 from 14 to 28 days. As they had taken two weeks to reply it was not much of a concession.

interestedparty - 14/10/10 at 07:33 PM

Originally posted by mookaloid
If you are depriving other people of a parking space and not paying for the time then are you really that hard done to?

In my street the traffic wardens are fairly lax but it bugs me that people overstay and break the no return within 3 hrs rule and I can't find a space.....grrrrrr

I am a supporter of traffic wardens and I think they do a great job

so don't abuse them - as long as they act within the rules, they are helping the vast majority of us who abide by the rules and strange though it may seem - they are enforcing fair play for people who want to park their cars legally

So take your punishment like a man, pay the fine early for a discount and remember to pay an adequate amount of money next time




What people forget when they go off about traffic wardens is that if there weren't any, then the place they just parked in, and got booked for, would not have been available in the first place!

All busy areas would be completely blocked with cars belonging to the people who work in thoses areas, from 8 til 6, so there would be nowhere to park anyway.

Whether it's 3 minutes over of 10 minutes over really doesn't make any difference. If there was 10 minutes allowance, what about the peole who stayed for 15? wouldn't they have a legitimate complaint too.

need4speed - 14/10/10 at 09:00 PM

I work in Westminster loads and have a parking exemption but I have still had over 20 tickets even speaking to the warden but at least I can get them cancelled, but it all takes time.

Liam - 14/10/10 at 10:48 PM

Originally posted by adam1985
I was talking to a traffic warden last year because I had parked my work van on double yellows but was working in the building next door he said you can park there as long as I return to the van at least every half hour to get tools and other stuff (loading and unloading) which I thought was fair enough

Out of interest, were they watching you every half an hour, or did you have to keep a little log book of van visits? :p

Ivan - 15/10/10 at 04:29 PM

Originally posted by plentywahalla
This is a long story ... but stick with it

Ipswich on street parking, poked £1.20p into machine for 1 hour (half hour 70p) and went to bank. Returned after 40 mins to find £60 parking fine!

Read ticket in detail to discover I had only been credited with £1.10p so only valid for half hour.

Subsequently discovered that machine takes 3 to 4 seconds before coin is credited on display. If button for ticket is pressed within that time the last coin is not credited!

I wrote polite letter to authorities pointing out that it was a design defect in their machine, I had actually paid for 55 minutes pro rata, and Why would anyone voluntarily pay 40p more than they needed to!

The reply was I should read the terms and conditions, but as a concession they would extend the period within which I could pay just £40 from 14 to 28 days. As they had taken two weeks to reply it was not much of a concession.

Surely you should report them for unfair trading as they are selling you a ticket that incorrectly reflects what you have paid for and then penalising you on top of it.