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Make my own glass splashback?
McLannahan - 18/1/11 at 10:38 PM

Sorry - another refit kitchen question!

Glass splashbacks seem to be crazy money and I was wondering how feasible it might be to make my own?

Have glass cut to size and then paint the back of the glass? Would only want a plain colour and I'd like to cover a panel that's about 2000mm by 500mm but could be done in multiple pieces?

Am I going clinically insane or does this sound like a plan?

austin man - 18/1/11 at 11:00 PM

shouldnt see why not, it would have to be toughend or laminates with ground edged unless you are using an edging strip. You would also need a lot of prep to get the painting to look good you may be better having vinyl applied as it would look more consistent.

StevieB - 18/1/11 at 11:01 PM

Originally posted by McLannahan

Am I going clinically insane...?


By the time you get the glass cut (including all the holes for sockets/switches etc) and get the paint right, you won;t be far off the cost of an off the shelf splash back.

The idea occurred to me some time ago and I did all the costing up and decided that it really wouldn't be worth all the effort and 80% of the cost to achieve something that's only 50% of the end result.

indykid - 18/1/11 at 11:02 PM

sounds fair.

get it frosted for a key, then spray it?

mcerd1 - 18/1/11 at 11:12 PM

you've got me thinking about my kitchen now.....

Originally posted by indykid
get it frosted for a key, then spray it?

frosted on the back sounds like a plan - what paint would you use though?

also what about waterjet cutting for the fancy bits (sockets etc....) all you'd need it some good measuring (card template then measure that maybe)
then draw it up in CAD - plenty folk here could do that bit for you if need be (inc. me)

not sure how you'd round off the exposed edges, but I guess it wouldn't matter much for the sockets and waterjet gives a fairly decent finish anyway

[Edited on 18/1/2011 by mcerd1]

woolly - 18/1/11 at 11:20 PM

before you make your mind up have a word with these guys,
they are over the road from me.


McLannahan - 18/1/11 at 11:26 PM

Originally posted by austin man
shouldnt see why not, it would have to be toughend or laminates with ground edged unless you are using an edging strip. You would also need a lot of prep to get the painting to look good you may be better having vinyl applied as it would look more consistent.

I did think of that but thought that just one hair or a bubble and it's all over! Not looked into it enough yet but would hope to buy the glass cut and prepared to avoid needing a edge strip? Thanks AM

McLannahan - 18/1/11 at 11:30 PM

Originally posted by StevieB
Originally posted by McLannahan

Am I going clinically insane...?


By the time you get the glass cut (including all the holes for sockets/switches etc) and get the paint right, you won;t be far off the cost of an off the shelf splash back.

The idea occurred to me some time ago and I did all the costing up and decided that it really wouldn't be worth all the effort and 80% of the cost to achieve something that's only 50% of the end result.

Trouble is that for the size (and sizes if successful?) I'd need it really does add up! Admitedly I'm not taking the switches hassle into account and I know that'll not be easy! Luckily there's only two standard double outlets on this wall so not too complex but as you've said - I'm probably over-simplifying it!

McLannahan - 18/1/11 at 11:52 PM

Originally posted by woolly
before you make your mind up have a word with these guys,
they are over the road from me.


Do look quite reasonable - Thanks for that Wooly. Have just emailed them to see if any of this plan might be within my sad budget!

skodaman - 18/1/11 at 11:57 PM

You can get drill bits for glass
up to around 7mm in diy places which is okay for screws. I don't know what sort of paint would be best but I've used blackboard paint, normal gloss and normal emulsion on the backs of fish tanks and it doesn't stay as a perfect finish for long, yet it's a pig to get off and redo.

HowardB - 19/1/11 at 06:42 AM

I know it's a bit retro, but I did mine in satin stainless steel. looked ok and for £200 was much cheaper than the shop stuff. Local fab shop cut it for me.

hope that helps

designer - 19/1/11 at 08:59 AM

I got my glass one at IKEA.

karlak - 19/1/11 at 10:00 AM

We have just been through this....

Got our new kitchen being fitted in February and went from a Stainless brush steel splash back (which actually shows load of marks and is a pain to clean) ,, to considering Glass. But in the end for us, we went for a matching Granite one, it will match the worktops and was not that much more than a Glass Splash back of the same size.

I did really like some of the "cracked glass" designs out there though. A mind boggling choice of styles and finsihes.

[Edited on 19/1/11 by karlak]

[Edited on 19/1/11 by karlak]