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Pinto Exhaust.
MsD - 30/1/11 at 05:49 PM

(Hope this is in the right section- please move if it isnt )

I bought a 'kit spares' Pinto steel exhaust manifold from one of the shows last year.
Ive just got round to looking for an exhaust silencer, and as usual ive got a few questions!

On the kit spares website they show two silencers-


Obviously ones a small and the other is a large- but the larger one is designed to fit a Zetec engine (exhaust is on the other side). Would this cause much trouble when trying to fit it? (I dont mind a bit of fabrication- but dont really want to be chopping a £180 exhaust up!)

Or could I get away wit the smaller one? With regards to IVA noise regs and fitment?

Any other suggestions?

Much appreciated- Mark.

woolly - 30/1/11 at 06:07 PM

think a lot of people struggle with the small one for noise level unless its a low power smaller engine.
mine has one and its too loud by far. need to sort it cos i want to do a track day.