posted on 29/11/06 at 08:09 PM |
How do I put photos in my archive?
I've opened an archive & am trying to put some photos in it. I found a thread about this & followed the intructions given. When I click
upload it comes up "unsupported file" . What does this mean & what do I have to do about it?
Please bear in mind that I know I'm crap with computers so as straight forward & jargon free as possible please. I like to think this
problem stems from a lack of knowledge rather than a lack of intelligence but I've been wrong before.
The next thing after this is how do I post photos once I've got them in the archive?
posted on 29/11/06 at 08:25 PM |
Try to use .JPG, JPEG, of GIF as extension to upload.
If you want to add the picture in to your topic. use the button "isert an image" then:
If you look to your picture in archive you see the name of your picture to upload
posted on 29/11/06 at 08:31 PM |
Hello mate, yep I get it all the time......A pain in the backside!!!
It's nothing to do with an unsupported file type, it's just another one of those user friendly errors to lead you down the garden path!!
It's possibly more to do with the size / resolution of the picture your trying to upload. My pics (JPG's) are around 120Kb ish (640x480)
and I get these errors now and again where as before I couldn't upload bugger all for toffee!!. I believe it may be more of a timeout related
error as I have no trouble what so ever if I upload the pics from work (not that I do those sort of things of course SHORTIE ye ole lovely bossman!!)
so perhaps it maybe down to your ISP or the amount of users online at the time but this is only a hunch.
I personally export my files on Microsofts Picture Manager and resize them to a lower resolution size.
Hope this is of some help
[Edited on 29/11/06 by seadog]
posted on 29/11/06 at 08:49 PM |
Yes looks like the size of the pic is the problem because one image has come through but only in part & blown right up.
It says the type is JPEG & the camera is a year old Cannon Ixus 50 so that shouldnt be any problem should it? I've looked at the pic size
& they are between 2000 &3000 kb so if 120 kb is too big I'm never gonna get it to work how do I reduce them?
I dont find any of this easy to understand, my total experience with computers is posting on here, sending a few Emails & buying a few bits on
Ebay, all of it in the past 6 months. I've never used one at work & at school you wernt allowed on if you didnt know how to use it! I have a
helluva lot to learn
[Edited on 29/11/06 by hillbillyracer]
posted on 29/11/06 at 09:05 PM |
Apologies for briefly moving away from the subject!!
hillbillyracer, I popped onto your photo archive as you do on a quiet Wednesday evening to see what your building....what the flying mother of Jesus
is that a picture of??? All I can see is an old oil drum with what looks an exhaust of some kind welded onto it!!
Are you brewing Whisky or sumut??
[Edited on 29/11/06 by seadog]
posted on 29/11/06 at 09:09 PM |
OK....Back onto the subject!!
Have you any photo editing software? I'm pretty sure there is going to be the functionality there to export and downsize your pics.
posted on 29/11/06 at 09:13 PM |
While I think of it hillbillyracer, worst case scenario mate is to set your camera to a lower quality setting in future whenever your taking pics to
upload onto this site.
posted on 29/11/06 at 09:18 PM |
There was a thread about workshop heaters & I built my own wood burner out of oil drums & was gonna post some pics of it. Glad you think it
looks awesome .
I've got somthing called Zoombrowser xp on the desk top.
One problem I have is the rest of my family is only 1/2 a step ahead of me in computers & I'm catching them fast so there aint anyone to ask
at this end.
posted on 29/11/06 at 09:23 PM |
What a shame, I was hoping to sample some of your brew at some point!!
I have to say that kicks arse of the lowsy fan heater I have to put up with!!
As regards Zoombrowser, never heard of it I'm afraid.
Any of the boyz know of some freeware that can be used to help our man out?
[Edited on 29/11/06 by seadog]
posted on 29/11/06 at 09:40 PM |
The heater is great, the workshop is 36'x20' & has insulation on the roof, one end & one side. When it's -2 outside I can
get it up to 15 inside & fuel is free, loads of forest up here so plenty scrap wood after harvesting.
I'm going to have a look into this Zoombrowser xp & see what I can do.
posted on 29/11/06 at 09:53 PM |
You haven't thought of going into business with these industrial heaters of yours have ya!!
I bet it cooks a mean sausage as well!!
[Edited on 29/11/06 by seadog]
posted on 29/11/06 at 10:15 PM |
I cant claim to have designed it, apparently there used to be kits available to make one out of 2 205l (45 gal) oil drums. I used an old round water
tank laid on it's side for the burner & a 205l drum above it also on its side, the exhaust comes out of the bottom drum & into the top
one where the gases are slowed down & throw more heat into your workshop. The chimney ( a steel telegraph pole in this case) comes out of the top
drum & goes outside. I've thought about setting a steel box into the top drum & putting a door on it to make a little oven but a fridge
for the beer seems more urgent
I havnt made much of of the zoombrowser thing, I've found my pics in it & gone into "edit picture" but cant work out how to do
it. Many thanks for your help but I think I'm gonna need some intructions at this end.
posted on 29/11/06 at 11:21 PM |
No worries mate. Pleasure.
posted on 30/11/06 at 08:00 AM |
On my Sony digital camera, you can resize the pictures on the camera itself. It has a resize function in the menu and if you use this, it will store
the original size picture plus the resized one. I usually use ' VGA' size, which is in the region of about 150 kb I think, perfect for
Build manual? What build manual?