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2009 Racers roll call.
procomp - 10/1/09 at 07:51 PM


So it's only 8 weeks till the start of some championships and every other forum has the same thread running so thought we needed one here also. So come on then where are you racing and what you racing in.

Ill get it started.

Racing the Bio fulled Locost for Lewisham college. And blagging as many races in other cars as i can get as usual hopefully in the 750 kits and the new CSCC sevens series.

Cheers Matt

andylancaster3000 - 10/1/09 at 09:08 PM

Not me for the moment unfortunately

Will have to see once I've started working again in the summer.

carpmart - 10/1/09 at 09:10 PM

Racing my Fireblade engined Drakart in Nora series and the odd Rally X event!

lsdweb - 11/1/09 at 01:34 AM

Welsh Sprint and Hillclimb Championship for me in the R1 Westfield when finished.

Also registering for the Westfield Speed Championship.


pointy - 11/1/09 at 08:38 AM

Locost Championship again.

Andy p

ernie - 11/1/09 at 03:59 PM

locost for me too, how many depends on the old cash flow!!

Rob Palin - 11/1/09 at 04:05 PM

750MC Locost again for me, provided the credit crunch doesn't get too much crunchier.

Gloves - 11/1/09 at 06:29 PM

Locost Championship for me as well as long as my wrist is mended from my Donny crash (find out on Tuesday) and the wife signs my passes (!).

Richd - 12/1/09 at 07:58 AM

Locost for me again. See you all in March

Rob Palin - 12/1/09 at 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Gloves
Locost Championship for me as well as long as my wrist is mended from my Donny crash (find out on Tuesday) and the wife signs my passes (!).

Hi Mark. I hope your wrist gets the all-clear and that Junior Glover likes the sound of racing engines as it would be great to have you back out there with us.

simes43 - 12/1/09 at 05:07 PM

Sports 2000, lorries on the M1.........

frodo_monkey - 12/1/09 at 06:01 PM

I'll be out in my ST Locoblade in a) the RAF Motorsports Association Race Challenge, b) maybe a few rounds of the Northern Saloon & Sports Car Championship, and c) possibly some of the 'Magnificent Se7ens' series if they coincide with the RAF races...

But firstly I need to get the car in one piece then drag it over to Procomp to get it set up

[Edited on 12/1/09 by frodo_monkey]

mawmaw - 12/1/09 at 08:55 PM

will do some but not all kit car races, will miss the first one cos snet is so bloody cold in march and missing one in august for family hols but should do most. I have a neil roper built injected engine coming so hoping for power and reliability!
apparently the new fiesta cannot take a duratec so ford are investing in a 1600 performance version, and no not just the turbo! managed to persuade jenvey to do some special 40mm direct to head bodies teeheehee

Custardtart - 12/1/09 at 09:50 PM

Originally posted by mawmaw
will do some but not all kit car races, will miss the first one cos snet is so bloody cold in march and missing one in august for family hols but should do most. I have a neil roper built injected engine coming so hoping for power and reliability!
apparently the new fiesta cannot take a duratec so ford are investing in a 1600 performance version, and no not just the turbo! managed to persuade jenvey to do some special 40mm direct to head bodies teeheehee

I'll be racing in the BARc Westfield Champs.

Out of interest, what sort of power will your engine be kicking out? Do you run an accusump to hold it all together?

MK9R - 13/1/09 at 03:41 PM

First Season in RGB!!

pumpers - 13/1/09 at 04:37 PM

Locost for me too. not doing Snet but hopefully will be out at Mallory. 6 races as normal 4 me unless i win the lottery!!


progers - 13/1/09 at 09:08 PM

I'll be out in RGB again this year, this time in a Class A car. Probably wont be racing until Brands in April though...

- Paul

mawmaw - 13/1/09 at 10:09 PM


Had 185bhp on the carbs so will be looking for 195+ out of the Roperspecial. Or if we are talking 750mc kitcar (mildly cooked 1800zetec producing 185bhp) cloudcuckoo figures about 240bhp.
Yes i do run an accusump and yes they go bang without one, at least 6 times before i work out how to plumb it in properly

Gloves - 13/1/09 at 11:44 PM

Had the results of my CT scan today and my wrist isn't healing so got to have another operation to graft some bone onto it and replace the self tapper they put in in August with a slightly larger one. I'm seeing the consultant again in a couple of weeks to sort out the details for the surgery and expect to be out for at least the first half of the season (he reckons all season but we'll see). As you can guess I'm gutted, but I'll carry on with the rebuild in the hope that I can get out asap.

Richard Jenkins - 15/1/09 at 05:44 PM

Sorry to hear that Get well soon mate!

Rob Palin - 15/1/09 at 06:32 PM

^^ Ditto^^

That's really crappy news Mark. I hope we can tempt you out as a spectator at least?

blackie - 15/1/09 at 06:54 PM

Sorry to hear your news Mark, but hopefully we will see you out there before long.

I have a box of M4 self tappers if you need any & perhaps a couple of jubilee clips (we'll get you out for March no probs

All the best matey for a speedy recovery,


Richard Jenkins - 15/1/09 at 09:34 PM

So would that be the Locost racers version of the six million dollar man??

TimC - 14/7/09 at 11:02 AM

Oooo, I can post here now. Last 4 racers in the Locost Championship for me. Car number 41. Look out!

procomp - 15/7/09 at 07:24 AM

Hi Tim.

well it's taken some time but you are know about to fulfill your ambition of competitive circuit racing. See you at Silverstone You ll love it. And it's the 10th anniversary meeting for the locosts so lots of celebrations and a party going on over the weekend.
You certainly picked the right weekend to join in.

Cheers Matt