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Measuring Angles for bends in the front frame....
paul the 6th - 27/12/08 at 08:56 PM

Just a quick question about the bends in tubes FF2 & FF3 which make up the vertical/sides of the front frame. I got all my steel in the form of a chassis flatpack kit by armoto, which has all the tube ends cut with their appropriate angles....

Since I've not had to cut any angles myself, what did you lot use to measure the angles? I've looked everywhere for some kind of workshop grade protractor but the only thing I can find is on MachineMart (

I've had several bad experiences with MM (sending broken items, crap quality etc) so don't want to use them. There's a screwfix up the road but they don't list anything remotely useful on their site. As a last resort I'm thinking of buying one of those oxford mathmatical sets from staples and using it to mark up that way, but I'm not at all confident about the accuracy of marking up that way...

Any advice greatly appreciated

Rod Ends - 27/12/08 at 09:08 PM


paul the 6th - 27/12/08 at 09:19 PM

do b&q or halfrauds do them?

I don't want to have to wait till after new year due to holiday postage delays

Mansfield - 27/12/08 at 09:30 PM

I hate Machine Mart too, but I do have the one in the link and it is pretty accurate. Good for the money, accurate enough for the garage. I checked it against a vernier protractor at work.

dinosaurjuice - 27/12/08 at 09:39 PM

would this be any good:

jigsaw guide

wrigglypig - 27/12/08 at 09:55 PM

Hi paul try barnitts in York thats where I got my combination square from , I also use a magnifying glass just to make sure i get it spot on and it works very well.

paul the 6th - 27/12/08 at 10:10 PM

cheers kev will head down to barnetts tomorrow morning...

Was thinking about going on the bike if the weathers ok but then I remembered about the jig

Thanks for all the replies everyone

cloudy - 27/12/08 at 11:12 PM

I used a (cheap looking) digital angle gauge, accurate down to .1 of a degree, and repeatable - Only about £20 off ebay as I recall, one of my most invaluable tools!

* Only useful for vertical stuff as it senses gravity


[Edited on 27/12/08 by cloudy]

Danozeman - 28/12/08 at 10:55 AM

Iv got a stanley carpenters type angle protractor thing. Came from b n q.