Haynes Roadster book page 175 Chassis plate 11 The measurement 275mm plus the 132 add up to 407mm but the radius of 412mm is shown for the arc. A
difference of 5mm this should leave a small flat at the top of the plate ? Yet it does not show one ? can anyone shed any light on this for me please.
Have you looked at all the corrections that Chris has posted on the Haynes forum?
(there are quite a few...)
In theory there is a slight discrepency but to ensure that the plate is not cut undersize there is no allowance for the plate thickness (SS1).
In practice most people would fit SS1 and make a template to make CP11, there can be considerable differences between different chassis when they get
to this stage through distortion and slight dimensional errors.
The most important thing is to ensure that plate CP11 fills the SS1/D7-D8 area accurately and I'd suggest that making a template once SS1 is in
place is the best bet.
Hope this helps
Thanks guys I can get cracking now