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how long did it take you to finish your chassis?
paul the 6th - 11/1/09 at 09:40 PM

fully welded from start to finish, ready for blasting/painting/whatever treatment you decided on...

Just thinking about my own project schedule & timing and was wondering - how long did it take you lot?

l0rd - 11/1/09 at 09:46 PM

I would suggest adding a couple more for those people that took them more than 1 or 2 years.

NigeEss - 11/1/09 at 09:53 PM

Wot he ^^ said

thunderace - 11/1/09 at 09:55 PM

i would add under a week and 1 day to that welding it or cutting the metal and welding it or cuting welding and painting .

[Edited on 11/1/09 by thunderace]

handyandy - 11/1/09 at 10:20 PM

paul the 6th, good thread, i know you started your chassis just before christmas, well i,m starting mine this coming week, so i,ll be watching this poll to see how good/ bad my build progress is compared to others.
good luck with your build.

alistairolsen - 11/1/09 at 10:27 PM

bought mine from someone whod got snowed under with the project and never finished it.

DIY Si - 11/1/09 at 10:30 PM

Mine was 3-4 months in the making, but I never finished it! I started with a load of steel tube and a hacksaw, and set to. Then I discovered the strengthening plans, and I started uprating and changing things before I'd even gotten more than 25% through! Having seen the extra plans, I realised just how easy it would be to make the chassis stronger and a better fit for my long legs.
Oh, and I decided that a De-Dion back end would be a good idea, but I had no plans for that bit, so had to design it as I acquired the parts.

andylancaster3000 - 11/1/09 at 10:48 PM

Ours was well over a year to get to the chassis to the 'finished' painting stage. Having said that we built the car up almost entirely on the bench before it was stripped back, preped and painted. The was just to prevent the having to drill holes in or strip the paint off to weld bits on as much as possible!


richard - 11/1/09 at 10:50 PM

We built our car right up to a driving car as a rough build condition and were still adding things all the time. We then stripped everythng down and got it all painted. This way we ensure we did not have any nasty surprisses, so technically i need a 4 year box to tick.

mark chandler - 11/1/09 at 11:34 PM

It took me around 6 months, but having read up I threw most of the plans away and went solo so its really scratch built, same as DIY Si.

It took another 6 months before I could drive it but I made the arches, hub carriers etc, the only body part I purchased was the nose cone but widened this also.

That was going at it most weekends for both days.

Regards Mark

[Edited on 12/1/09 by mark chandler]

speedyxjs - 12/1/09 at 08:05 AM

About a year and a half and still counting

dogwood - 12/1/09 at 08:30 AM

In true time it took me about 100 hrs.
Having said that, 6 months down the line I still found bits and pieces needing welding.
Brackets I had forgotten about etc


Daddylonglegs - 12/1/09 at 08:40 AM

Originally started in 2005, stopped for several reasons, but only had the bottom rails done anyhow. Started again last June. I am making some alterations to the front-end to accomodate longer wishbones.

Same as andylancaster3000, I am trying to get most of the chassis and brackets etc done before paint to avoid messing around later.

All in all probably around 45hrs so far.

David Jenkins - 12/1/09 at 12:08 PM

Well over 4 years!