If I get a cortina, can I use all the main parts from that. Do I have to make any changes to the chassis? Any advice would be much appreciated.
Hi Nelson,
My car is Cortina based, the main alteration to the chassis is that it is 4" wider than standard. See my website at:-
Cortina is fine, that's what I'm using, totally 'book' chassis (used the Jim Scorley pdf plans, they're excellent).
You've then got the advantage of having the correct uprights as well, and you'll have a nice wider rear axle for better ahndling and sexier looks!!
They're no problem getting the wider arches either. I think Cortina is the way to go, and no real problems getting hold of one either,
You will need to get a MK11 Escort steering rack, or shorten the cortina ones, or make wyour wishbones longer. I just got a recon Escort one.