Do anyone of you know who manufactures the GAZ-shocks and the "dampertech"-ones. As i've understood it the dampertech and gaz is only
brands, put on by a company selling them.
If we can trace the source i'm willing to handle a volume buy from them to optimize prizes.
BR //Peter
Gaz make them, Dampertech sell them. They are the same design as Spax and Avo essentially, in fact many of the internal parts are interchangable. Gaz comes from Gazzard Engineering, a machine shop in Essex, i believe.
and you think they will give you a discount?
just kidding
Why not try Spax??
They are very good
Manufactured my original spec Terrapin Dampers for me at £60 a piece (see photos) Faulkner springs were £9 a piece.
Spax can make to different dimensions.
Is that competetive with these other makes?
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Its interesting to hear that price, as when you I asked the spax rep. at autosport he said £350 for dampers alone.
maybe the word locost bumps prices up a bit.
who did you contact about your dampers terrapin?